
Their move is going to be welcoming Roy Moore with open arms to secure the tax bill, and never acknowledging the hypocrisy in doing so. There has to be a point at which we realize our going high does nothing to keep them from going low

Gotcha. Well, #MeToo then, I guess. This is gonna make taking selfies at Christmas parties super awkward, but whatever I can do to score brownie points in the cause against unintended back touching. Be strong.

I’d rather be the virtue signaling jackass who doesn’t want Franken than all you weirdos rushing to defend him. Politicians aren’t your friends.

The Democratic Party is done.

Now, waist just a goshdarn minute!

Dat waist doe.

Republicans, Stewards of the High Ground

How virtuous! Much respect woman! So brownie point! (imagiane a cute little Shiba Inu saying these things)

He grabbed her waist? You mean like people do when they take a picture with someone? FFS - the Democrats deserve the shellacking they’re going to be taking into the foreseeable future, at this point. We should just go ahead and concede the midterms and elect Donald Trump for four more years.

Yeah keep playing the “when they go low, we go high” game and see how many more Supreme Court seats get stolen. I’m done trying to pretend that The GOP has any moral fiber at all. Senator Franken when you resign know that none of your colleagues on the other side of the aisle would do the same. In fact please tell me

He’s pretty salty, huh?

Once back in college, I passed out and my buddies drew a dick on my cheek, and wrote “I love dick” on my forehead. Pretty much the same thing. Not assault.

Well she was a petulant little shit in her article so to me it’s free game.

Well, if they really believe in believing women, will they believe me that when I saw the picture of Franken “groping” Tweeden and her fake tears immediately made me furiously ill thinking her comparing that experience to the times a man actually did put his unwanted hands on my body? As a victim, I felt immediately

Eh, kind of the Kinja thing.

She is young and not a terribly good writer, mock outrage is all she has.

“Inappropriate” is the... appropriate word. It was inappropriate. Absolute agreement, there.

Really? You can’t think of one reason why these women are sticking up for Franken? Not one? It’s a completely foreign concept to you? You are just inconsolably mystified by these women’s action?

it merely triviliazes the complaints against Franken.

Shooting for the broad side of a blue barn here, but...maybe their experiences with him are exactly what they say they are?