
Between this video and the recent one about the wife that wanted to go to the lake, women wonder why men never really want to get married. SMH. People, please attempt to act your age.

Everyone knows the procedure...

You want to see Jaywalking? Come to Philly. I didn't believe that was a real thing until I got older. My first steps as a child was probably crossing a street....not literally though.

I grew up on the 1992 version so that's how I view him. But the new Wolverine is pretty bad ass. I remember one time when I was a kid, I got a cut on my leg and it healed the same day. No one could convince me I wasn't the REAL Wolverine. LOL. What's more awesome than the mind and imagination of a kid?

LOL that was funny

What if Hurricane Sandy hit this Manhattan?

The camera must be beefed up because it seems to be making the phone thicker than it should be. If it was as thin as the ends of the phone, the phone would be pretty thin. Since phones seem to be competing for camera superiority now, especially since the rumors of Nokia's 1020 before it's announcement, the camera

Blackberry just doesn't get it. SMH. They don't need a bigger screen or more features. What Blackberry needs is....more cowbell!

I've been trying to get an all white background since I got my iPhone 5 when it came out. Every time you try to change your background to solid white, it somehow gets a shadow in the lower right corner that sort of blends into the rest of the white background. It was very annoying because I was trying to blend the

Shouldn't Tyrion be a mini-minifig?

This product looks amazing. I immediately know two places I will use this. 1. white sneakers and 2. neck ties. Now I'll be able to eat spaghetti, a husky burrito filled with extra sauce, a hot dog piled with fixins or whatever deliciously messy food I want to eat. No more buying replacement ties! (*rubbing hands

I understand the germ factor but there's gloves and Purell. It would be much more socially acceptable to wear latex gloves on a train than holding a toilet plunger.

I particularly like how she's using the plunger when there's two vertical rails and a overhead rail to hold on within arms reach and additional space to move where there are less people standing in the background. She was just being a dick to freak out the guy behind her with the mask.

A thief can add a new car stereo, air freshener, brand new tires, chrome rims, heated seats or whatever he wants to a stolen car. That doesn't change the fact that he stole the car and it wasn't his to begin with. I'm not a troll. I stated my opinion that many others agree with. If you don't like it or don't

The lack of originality in OSes nowadays sickens me. Since the iPhone, only Palm and Microsoft had the balls to do something totally different. Yea I said it!

This is smart on Apple's part but rips off the unsuspecting person. For all the klutzes out there, BUY APPLE CARE! It was announced that replacing your cracked screen will cost you $150. Guess what? Buying Apple Care for $99 will get you a repaired screen for an additional $49... and then you can break it again and

Once again.....AT&T can suck it!!!

It's about time! But the only reason I wanted this to happen was because my gf had a blackberry and that's how we talked when she was overseas. I had to buy a blackberry and pay for an additional cell phone service. Now, she has an Android and I still have an iPhone. Too little, too late. But I still think it's

I concur.