
As a current and long-time AT&T customer, I'd like to say...AT&T, you can suck it!

Trying to view the website on my iPhone, I am limited by the number of articles I can see. There's no way to go to the next page or older articles. What gives?

I prefer this. It's hilarious, a conversation starter and helps you relive your college days.

I think if Steve Jobs was still alive, he'd feel betrayed.

If Apple has a bargaining chip with having x number of iOS devices that can access this music service that could possibly far exceed the listening audience for other competing services, why not start low and then NEGOTIATE?! I mean that's just a starting offer. What company doesn't want to save as much money as

Perhaps! And that's the argument everyone uses to defend Android in general. But does that apply to attempting to make it look exactly like the original?

Samsung has no shame and apparently gives no f*cks about copying/stealing.

I know you didn't mean for this story to be funny but I literally LMAO in the office! That being said, I agree. Guns are necessary and people high on drugs or rage don't care about what weapon you have in your hand even if it's a gun. Only a firearm has stopping power to thwart such a threat.

or a picture of a teacher wagging her finger with the caption "Don't be a bad boy"

Why not suggest a crossbow? or how about a blowgun with poison tipped darts? Heck, you can make an ancient style cat-o'-nine tails.

I'm sure that wouldn't be anything unusual for what they've seen before. Have you seen European porn before?

He should actually use R. Kelly

Does the wood shrink in water?! *rim shot*

I understand everything you're saying but there are some ideas that need to thought about. If you want to further regulate the gun market and require licenses AND classes FIRST for all people interested in purchasing a gun at all, I'm all for that. But the argument, in my opinion won't stop events like this from

Agreed! I've been saying this for a while. People have been killed by drunk and/or idiot drivers for decades. No one, as far as I know, has ever boycotted or pushed for a ban on motorized vehicles.

Wait until you discover the thousands of websites of porn, my friend.

I think this is improbable. They've done well with just reducing the cost of the iPhone that is two years older than the current generation. They might even do better with using that strategy but take out the front facing camera, use cheaper processor, non-retina display, etc. If this is for the "low cost", "budget

that's pretty cool

IMO, cable companies are stupid to not jump on board with this concept as MANY people are now downloading and torrenting shows. So in reality, the cable company is losing money and subscribers regardless. They might as well get the money while they can from the few people that would be willing to pay a few dollars

This is stupid. If someone were to take a pic of something they shouldn't, wouldn't it be more likely that they'd take it with a more efficient camera and not a cell phone camera? Has RIM never heard of a pen camera? It even takes video! And even if this is implemented, there are apps (i.e. SpyVid) that allow people