
I used to rely on untethered jailbreaks and the jailbreak community. However, with the iPhone 5 and iOS 6, Apple has given us SOME (keyword: some) of the functionality that wasn't available before and only accessible through jailbreaking. I mean 5 years to figure out that some people want to delete individual calls?

I grudgingly agree but I think, or rather HOPE, Apple is working on a completely revamped version of iOS for iOS 7 since Forstall was supposedly the problem. I think some things in iOS doesn't need to be changed but a lot does unfortunately.

I am a gun owner and am for the right of citizens to have guns and protect themselves. But if we get rid of every gun in the world and miraculously lose the ability and know-how to make guns will that actually stop violence? All we would do is replace guns with samurai swords. Then everyone would want to ban swords.

Screen rotation and call rejection?! Don't all smart phones handle those tasks in the same manner??? Are they going to sue every other smartphone maker? And the iPhone has been out for more than 5 years now. Why sue 3 months ago?

It's about damned time!!! I'm currently with AT&T and the only other carrier I'd have an iPhone with is T-Mobile because of the GSM frequencies, low cost of plans and unlimited data. This will definitely take customers away from AT&T, Verizon and Sprint...more so AT&T and Verizon because of their ridiculous prices

They still need the younger kids to stock the shelves. I used to do this at Rite Aid and it was a pain the in ass. Not having to do the labels helps, but there isn't a cost effective machine or method of stocking shelves outside of the human far as I know.

Now all they have to do is hire someone named Winfred Dows VIII

During the process when T-Mobile was trying to sell itself, I was wondering why Apple or Google didn't just buy the company. I thought more so that Apple should have bought T-Mobile since they were in the business or making their own electronic devices, are known for keeping all aspects of their products in a

Regardless of who wins this contest, everyone that enters the contest loses! You pretty much admit you have a very small dick even though you might not"win(?)". The fact that you think you might be in contention for this title and free iPhone 5 is an extreme fail.

And people wonder why little girls want to have kids and have pregnancy pacts! SMH.

I'm sorry but could you put the article in bigger, bolder font, please. Thanks.

Where's the pocket for the gun and extra clips?

Soooo basically you'll bitch until you get a platform with the best features from every OS? Got it!

Wouldn't it defeat the purpose if the username is longer than a 10 digit phone number?!

I agree. That's why the screen and camera won't be on par with the current iPad. But at the same time, Apple has to try to maintain tablet market share. Google and Amazon are slowly chipping away with their tablets.

Anything Spishak!

LOL yea I'm still going to have to buy it. SMH

I never got that! All you have to do is turn the device around and see it's not an Apple product. Even if they do look similar.

Again, I'm not saying the iPad Mini would be a better deal but if a parent is going shopping for their kid and all they hear is their child talking about how they want a iPad, regardless if a salesman/saleswoman details that the Nexus 7 is better, the parent will still go with the iPad Mini.

My guess is $249 for a 8 GB version. That will kill the Kindle Fire and Nexus 7. And for the Android fanboys and/or Apple haters, I say that not because I'm saying the iPad Mini is automatically better but because, yes, Apple has a cult-like following. Put a iPad Mini on a shelf for $249 next to a comparable Nexus