
Getting catcalled by one person is terrifying enough...

Do you do this alot?

As much as these passages might rub some people the wrong way

I want to hate this ap, but looking at the reviews posted by matt on Twitter, they all seem fake. Maaaaybe the one about girls not being conservative enough was real, but most seem fake. It seems it was review bombed, which is also a think lefty people do at times.

wow, I see why they made it all black...that bodykit is a bit, uh, bulgy and weird

Funny... When it’s something progressives love then people are review bombing it but if it’s something they hate suddenly all those 1 star reviews are like, y’know, totally legit!

I think it’s the lighting

It’s actually normal and healthy for people in a relationship to do things for each other, most people need affection to be a part of their relationships.

Have you never met a military spouse or a law enforcement spouse?

Giselle is no every woman, sorry. Domestic labor? Women like her have probably never gotten up in the middle of the night to take care of a barfing child.

performing domestic labor in their home”

(But I don’t daily drive a Lamborghini)

WTF is she getting next? A fucking school bus?

Something.....bigger? Than a Tahoe?

I grew up in a small town in central Illinois surrounded by miles of corn fields in every direction, broken only by the interstate to the east. Class sizes hovered around 80, and it wasn’t unusual to invite half the class to parties. This was especially true for kids who lived on the outskirts of town or out in the

“Tales from an ER Laboratory”

other way around, she only had $133k to his $813K.

just put this up there because it was cute!

To me this looked like a normal run of the middle idiot win. It was when she offered the money back that I figured something was up.

Not only is this article fatuous, it’s counterproductive.