
Yeah, I’m calling a bit of BS on that claim of this being a Boomer/Gen-X problem. The people making death threats online to developers over stupid video game things aren’t 70, they’re more likely 15-30.

my goal is to resist the urge to buy a Dodge Hornet GT. paying MSRP or higher is abhorrent to me at the DNA level, and buying a first-year model from a marque with a relatively poor dependability history is never a good idea. but i want a small CUV with some horses and i saw one at a car show and man. it’s going to be

Went out doing what he loved, all the best to his family in this devastating time.

18 seconds faster than a McLaren Senna on a 2.5-3 min course set off all sorts of flags. Which editor approved this lol

Yeah. Fuck that director for setting a boundary to prevent any accusations of wrongdoing on his part. What a dick.

God, why do these no talent bitches that get famous only because guys like jerking off to their tits and ass, and then get mad that they are “sexualized”, just fuck off? Bitch you wanna be broke or a millionaire? Now show us the titties

This is a clean manual wagon with a wonderful turbo inline 6… and it currently sits at 92% No Dice. Seller, do you have any idea how badly you have to overprice a clean turbo manual wagon for 92% of the people on this site to give it a hard pass?

This article is one of the worst try-hard examples of attempting to create some sort of controversy out of absolutely nothing.

You do realize Emily was only kidding in her dry British sarcastic jest right? Her husband didn’t actually say that. Did you even watch the segment? Comments likening Krasinski to Kanye. Really?

Does anyone besides this author honestly believe that in between the first and second date, John Krasinski wrote a memo to Emily Blunt, saying not to wear the jacket again or there wouldn’t be a second date?

Does anyone else besides this author feel fucking ridiculous for actually voicing such a thing out loud?


Stop trying to have your cake and eat it to, just get a slightly broken in GLS and be done with it.

Study: Morons who are dumb in one situation are also dumb in other situations.

Hybrid! V6! 600+ HP! ~3 second 0-60! Flying buttress!

was an ultra-low production

Didn’t the P1, LaFerrari, 918, NSX, 296 GTB, SF90, Speedtail, Regera, etc already prove this?

Apparently, they don’t understand how shit works.

Almost 70,000 homeless people live on the streets of LA. They literally sleep on top of the stars on the walk of fame. The self-contragulatory detachment of the liberal elites is grotesque. The heckler was 100% right.

The headline really doesn’t fit the article, guys. Things were pitched publicly one way, the preliminary tie-breaker wasn’t known. Keurig Dr. Pepper reps saw the public tie, figured out that it made good sense to give both contestants the award despite the existence of a “tie-breaker”, and announced it within an hour

I openly admit to being out of the loop on slang, but wtf does what you said mean? What’s a groyper? Or a milkshake duck? What is mogging and how does one do it?