
I think people are being a bit harsh on the game. It was a solid game that fall into the “more than the sum of its parts”. It had a rough launch and off the heels of last of us is why it probably didn’t sell well. I get why his comments about the game really doesn’t do it any favors. Many gems don’t sell well for a

Did they?! Ha I legit couldnt make it through a couple paragraphs. This is one of the most trash articles I have seen on here. I came straight to the comments after rolling my eyes on my first attempt to read it. Im super glad people are dragging the author for their garbage take.

quoting your own tweet in your own article... classy.

Yes, how dare they... not dress fashionably enough?

Agreed. The artist says “weeks of work”, but that is exactly what the average person has to do for that same money.

I feel like we’re seeing a lot of stories about artists without any context.

How many people at Kotaku are on the Amouranth news team?

Why bring up the point that she’s black and her husband was white in the tag line?

50 large for this? Don’t get me wrong, I love that this exists. Started drooling as soon as I saw it, while reading the article. I like that it’s a more luxurious CTR, but damn. 50 puts me in a three pedal Supra. I know the Integra is more useable, but if I had $50 to spend, that’s where I’d put it.

I imagine the execs are all far more concerned with a regular BEV transition and remaining (becoming?) profitable after the first gen Leaf sucked and the volume-at-all-cost strategy of previous management. At least they haven’t gone full Mitsubishi and cancelled all the fun cars here.

The Rescuers Down Under, a “tepid sequel”? Them’s fightin’ words.

The Winterville Police Department, however, argued that live streaming puts officers at risk by advertising to people associated with stopped drivers exactly where they are.

The whole thing is terrible, top to bottom, but SOMEONE needs to point out that getting a letter of potential discipline should NOT be answered with thoughts of suicide. I went to a top flight school like Stanford, and lived with D1 athletes that were all Americans, NFL/NBA players, knew a few Olympians, and I

looking back at hammond’s career to write this piece made me realize just how many near-death accidents he got into for the sake of television. we think of the trio as three middle-age blokes doddering about, but hammond really put his life on the line for his shows, several times over. 

pass the kleenex

I’m just speaking generally that some folks get too hung up on spending money, and that isn’t what the holidays should be about. 

Yes, she was. Keep herself out of it, but she decided it was a better look to stick up for a known, proven piece of shit.

“Don’t just say “Mercedes-AMG C63.”

I wanted to say Alfa 4C, but since it’s been discontinued, I’ll go with the similarly purposed Alpine A110, despite it not being available in the US.

No one forced him to enter a legally-binding agreement to purchase Twitter at a dramatic overvalue of his own making.  He was forced to adhere to the legally-binding agreement that he’d entered into of his own free will, that’s true.