
Its so funny seeing one of the richest women in the world still stick with a cheater. What is wrong with you women? Then his side piece just sit there and takes it like omg you women are so sad. 

Haha, yea wasn’t sure which one I was going to go with and I got lucky enough a picture actually worked I wasn’t risking Kinja with a photo edit lol. 

That is not how the real world works dude. Many VA have 2nd jobs to fill in for when they are not getting any parts. $15k for 5 sessions of work is good money when added on top of her other jobs.

Not sure how $100k+ is fair for 5 sessions of work. 

Back when he did it it wasn’t an $8,000 car, more like $60k. 

BMW 3 Series GT - They are soo good with just a few mods.

lol $128,000.....i’ll keep my Diavel. 

That is so much bike, what do people even do with that on the road? My 150hp Ducati is overpowered but I like the style so its what I ride. 

She was a good beard while it lasted. 

Ummm because there is no grey area in court..... 

Yep its a growing child. SCIENCE. 

I actually test drove one before I bought my current bike. It was cool but I just couldn’t spend all that money on something that might wear off. I wasn’t sure if it was just the novelty or if I actually liked it. So I went with the Diavel 1260 S.

Taking a break! Kisses fam! Keep sending me money pay pigs!

Honestly, I can see why. Everywhere else is just going down in quality. Texas Roadhouse is the only place i’ve been to lately with an actual good cooked meal. Everywhere else is just freezer food warmed up and its not good anymore. Then you throw on the increase in their prices and its just not worth it to go to

Its so funny how everything is mans fault on this website lol. Even her shitty taste in men she somehow evades taking responsibility and lays the excuses. She is not a “Pick Me” woman and the fact that she says that excuse is hilarious. She 1000% had all the power in any of her dates. She was not looking to be picked. 

Its worth reminding people that they don’t give one flying fuck about what you think! :)

DeTomaso Pantera

If I remember correctly that was Frank Stephenson, he has a cool YouTube channel now where he discusses many of his designs during his employment in the industry. 

Depends if the market corrects or not. This was a $30,000 car 4 years ago. 

I guess a NP in this market. This was a $30,000 car 3 years ago.