
Don’t worry a lawsuit will be coming shortly because of her stupid actions. But she will blame everyone but herself because she is fucking gross. 

Or dont use the equipment improperly and jump off of something ass first that was not designed for the. 

Lots of assumptions in your comment. Any proof to back those claims up? You have no clue what they were briefed on before entering. Were they told the foam is just for looks? Were they told you could jump 3 feet in the air and land on your spine and you would be ok? People don’t listen and I wouldn’t put it past them

Because it is just another sign that quality is a thing of the past. Its the fact that someone looked at these designs and said “how can we make them even cheaper” “I know we will photograph them from the front so it looks like a real lid.”

I think the idea is cool but the design is not great. I love the Detroit pride and hand build 1 of 1 idea but I don’t love the design they went with. 

Believe all women, they cannot lie. 

Great thing about fictional characters is I can make them any sexual orientation I want. She is still straight to me. 

If you think that is attempting to convert someone you are funny. 

Almost all of the above comes standard; unlike ze Germans, Genesis isn’t in the business of nickel-and-diming you for safety.

Reading a verse from any religion is not proselytizing. 

So she is batshit, got it. 

I like how my car looks in white. I also have a car that is green with tan top so i’m half doing my part.

Why does it seem like this woman has released like 4 of these books already?

Same stuff on liberal dating sites. Its almost like more men sign up for dating sites than women do. Shocker. 

I’m ok with all kinds of proselytizing, in todays world. I can see what you mean about with its history. But today, I love listening to all forms of religion. It does not mean I will adopt it but clearly it is important to the person speaking to me so I will at least listen. 

Why would the passages rub someone the wrong way? 

Nice, i’m so there. Will be nice to add to our Halloween Decorations. 

Such a good mother. She let him hit and choke their child years ago and never did anything about it. 

Don’t care about inflated new car prices. I’m not buying new again until they come back to reality. I’m perfectly fine buying used. 

Neutral: No thanks, i’m not giving any money to someone who thinks its ok to sleep with your subordinates.