
No shit. Because your dumbass could sue the doctor if he gave you medicine that killed your baby if you were pregnant. USA! is right. People like you did this to yourselves. 

$1000 she is a junkie trying to get pain medicine. 

Don’t worry nofunpanther, the rest of the year we are all doing our part. Hell the reusable grocery bags offset it enough that we don’t have to feel bad about some nostalgic candy buckets. Not to mention driving hybrid cars, reusable straws, etc....

Meh, they are as good a Subway or Jimmy Johns. Nothing to write home about. Erbert and Gerbert still reigns supreme with Mancino’s in 2nd. 

“I hate feeling like I need to be the hall monitor of treating people like human beings in country music. It’s exhausting,” she said. “But there’s a very insidious culture of people feeling very comfortable being transphobic and homophobic and racist, and that they can wrap it in a joke and no one will ever call them

Sounds like when schools try to push CRT and many other controversial subjects. Funny how when they don’t line up with your beliefs they become controversial. Also, I’m here for you women bullying women who forgave their rapists. You tear each other apart so much its hilarious.

Growing up I hungout in many a gameshop while my parents were shopping. Though again back then we were not assholes. I never messed up any shelves and always put anything I looked at back where it was. Never got in the way of workers or other customers. And when my parents were done shopping they usually bought me a

Wow that sounds like a crappy version. My VW will literally shut off when put in park and its been pretty smart about when not to shut off at a light. I’ve never had it shut off at a stop sign. 

I’m going to have to ask my stepdad about this. He grew up down there racing his Chevelle. The one story I remember most is one about a guy who showed up one day in a Boss 429 and took everyone’s money

Ok show me what it got her? 

Dang that is crazy. Obviously the first place your mind goes when you hear “gone missing in Costa Rica” is something violent. 

So what did this get her then? If all you people saying he had so much power why is she not running some billion dollar company yet? Exactly, he had no pull over her career. 

Ok but what is he going to do for her career? Does “this is my mistress, give her a job” work in Hollywood? What is the amazing career he gave her? She was with him for 2 years apparently she should be running Victoria’s Secret by now.

Its so funny how 1 tweet from some random unknown person can cause so many devs to come to the rescue. Its bizarre. 

No a half bad list. I would include The Night Flier and Salems Lot 2004 mini series with Rob Lowe.

Don’t want to get pregnant don’t let a man cum inside you. Pretty fucking simple. 

Rocksteady acknowledged the claims after they were reported in the news. The official Twitter account posted: “All formal complaints were thoroughly investigated, addressed appropriately, and a number of serious measures were taken in response to the issues that were surfaced, including discipline or termination of

Jason is almost worse as he talks someone in to breaking a known NDA and then he profits off of that. 

No need to apologize. Fuck those companies. What he does is no different than what any other leaker does. 

Clearly they want to participate. No one is forcing them. So they believe what they get in return is fair. Why don’t you do some actual work and go interview one and see what they have to say? Oh that is right you don’t actually care.