
Boy Sony sure loves to deny gamers access to games. We already have exclusives, we don’t need Sony telling 3rd party games where they can go. Xbox don’t care if Sony gets the next (insert 3rd party game) hell Xbox wants us to cross play together. Sony being a damn stick in the mud. 

I’m a white man married to a black woman. Even if I was given the ok to say it, I wouldn’t. It’s easy to avoid one word that does not need to be said.

The weird part is we see her sit up. If her lungs were that damaged you would think she would already be in a coma with how long she was in the vehicle before they got to her. I’m wondering if the trauma caused a stroke or cardiac arrest as those would also be Anoxic. 

Actually the Ghibli has been pretty trouble free as far as Maserati’s go. 

Right and his provided direction clearly did not work out. So the process server did whatever was needed. 

They had been living in the van for months. The van was 1000% more familiar to Gabby than the shitty motel Laundrie stayed at. They let her take control of their home while making him leave to an unfamiliar place. Gotta love the media twisting this lol.

She has admitted to being the aggressor once already on camera yet you somehow come up with a “zero percent chance” that she was the instigator?

No, how about you prove it?

Easy, A91-MT. Sure its BMW but at least its from this decade. 

If I wanted one I would just pick up a $10,000 350z.

Can you prove she was murdered? Didn’t think so. 


You showed up with too many people. It was a safety violation. You were not permitted because you were in violation of safety code.

Not sure why Candice McMuffin thinks its ok to make fun of someone for seeking a therapist. She must have some personal issues to be so shitty. 

Wow she really is messed up in the head isn’t she? You have to retire because the partner you chose is not ok with taking up the household/children duties. As a man if my wife is not ok with taking up the household/children duties then I would have to retire as well.

This is laughable. Nothing but a money grab, their daughter would be ashamed. They are responsible because 5 days later in a completely different incident she died. An incident she could have started and been the aggressor. Good luck getting money from something you cannot prove. 

Maybe don’t street race?

If you look the cold object is not invisible to the Predator. He could still see the outline of the body but the fact that it didn’t move and was cold led it to believe the man was dead. The snake on the other hand was moving and making noise so the Predator knew it was alive even though its heat signature was cold.

lol how does PS+ win on price? It should be a draw as Ultimate is cheaper by monthly and PS+ is only cheaper if you pay $120 upfront. 

Wow can’t believe i’d ever side with KfEd DoGg but Britney still has major issues and I think the Free Britney “movement” will end up doing more harm to her in the long run.