
Sorry I have to say this, but skip the turbo four-cylinder altogether. It’s weak and doesn’t really fit with the rest of the Macan.

Brothers laser printer is the way to go. are destroying the earth slightly slower. Such bravery. Such heroism. Now I can see why you need to spew you veganism bs with everyone you see. 

Money Money Money.....MOOOONNNNNEEEEYYYY! 

Jalopnik: We are against street racing and public displays of speed.

Wow that is ugly and bland. 

You stupid ass, you think vegan is some clean industry? You gullible fuck.

Are you aware of how much pollution vegan agriculture creates? Or how farmers who work for large companies such as Beyond Meat are mistreated and have a significant rate of suicide? Or that people who work in vegan fields have a high rate of PTSD?

You got nothing for your meme?

Mmmmm but its soooo good. I’m just enjoying it! 

You stupid Canadian cuck. I’m in America so its liter. Keep up with how different countries use language. 

Haha mmmmm it taste so good! Your desperation. Please keep your account until at least Nov. 9th. I’ll be back to soak up your tears and take more of your “rights” away. 

Clearly people are still picking sides so yes you did when you jumped in to comment. 

Not everything is an argument. I’m not against veganism, I just don’t care about it. I’m eating meat, not you. Why do you have to preach to me? Eating meat is legal. I don’t care about your personal feelings on the matter.

That you still think she is a victim shows who the “dumdum” is lmao.

lmao, whatever you need to tell yourself as you keep losing election after election. 

I don’t know about angry vegans but pretty much every vegan I met has been a preachy vegan. I literally give 0 fucks about what you eat, why do you care what I eat? 

Damn Amber playing you gullible idiots lmao.

Oh we speak and we are passing laws. You are losing murderer. 

Yea that image is correct. Except none of those correlate to an embryo. A chicken egg is not fertilized. A human embryo is a human in development, you are killing a human. YEAH SCIENCE BITCH!