
Will it have cross-platform multiplayer? (2007 me never thought that 2017 me would still have to ask this stupid-ass question, but here I am)

But is it any good?

Ok, what’s the deal. No link to the game. No mention of what system it is out for or how much it costs. Seriously, this is a trend I’ve noticed more and more across Kotaku, and it’s annoying af. I was interested, but I guess not interested enough.

“Steam’s free weekend”

Really makes you long for the good ol’ days when competing rappers were actively trying to kill each other.

Hating on Nissan is not allowed. This is in clear violation of THE RULES.

Nissan could modernize the RB platform. Fanboys like myself would cream their pants, and the engine could certainly stand up against the engines of today, depending on target power figures. Assuming they want to make 700WHP or less, it’s absolutely within the RB’s capabilities...modern turbo, modern pumps, modern

Oh, you don’t know the can of worms you just opened.

$100? Too rich for my blood.

That’s just the style for older JDM. I see it a lot in Datsuns (the 510 especially), though...usually the lines are run a bit more flush. Yeah, you run them out of the grille or one of the headlight mount points, but that Celica is a bit extreme with its hose routing...looks like they used about twice as much as I

This looks cool. The game looks neat in and of itself, but it’s all about that controller...I’m curious how much it costs to build one. If it’s...I dunno, less than 150...that’s I guess doable. If it’s much more than that...

“Style guide”

Never, if we’re lucky. If DiRT Rally is to be believed, that thing was functionally impossible to drive. The RWD Group B cars are (somehow, shockingly, I know you don’t believe me) easier to drive

An R31 (so like...1985-1988 sometime?) Nissan Skyline GTS-R. In the USA. A block from where I worked, parked on the side of the road.


After the discovery, and ensuing scandal, shown here are two engineers trying to sort out how to make the Celica GT-Four even faster...

I do things in cars. Some of those things are probably bad (and, based on some of the stories above, I’m probably due some vengeance myself)...but I NEVER park in a Handicapped spot. I think I’ve done it a faux-emergency situation...for about 2 to 3 empty handicapped spots...and I still felt

“...watchable for males”

Where/How will it be released? I doubt this’ll be in theaters...