
+1 copy sold

Thanks for the recommendation. I just bought one

:sigh: and not one Nissan. Ah well, there’s some cool stuff on there anyway

:sigh: and not one Nissan. Ah well, there’s some cool stuff on there anyway

I’ve gone back and played some games from back in my day. Some of them hold up (like Genesis Sonic or THPS), and some of them don’t (Jet Force Gemini and Gran Turismo come to mind). Usually this boils down to control in my opinion - games that controlled well then and whose controls still hold up are remembered rather

Here’s a crazy idea - maybe don’t buy things sight-unseen. It encourages bad practices in the industry.

Here’s a crazy idea - maybe don’t buy things sight-unseen. It encourages bad practices in the industry.

I mean, think of the possibilities. Dynasty Warriors will be lit

I’m tentatively curious. I enjoyed EVE well enough for awhile, and I like the developers, so I’m cautiously optimistic about this FPS...

TIL (and I pride myself on good vocab), so thank you for that.

I was thinking “unhinged”, but I’m not really certain that isn’t just another pejorative for people with mental illness. It probably is. At least it’s less specific.

Referring to Donnie Yen as “Rogue One Actor”, while accurate, seems so diminutive.

Cool cool. I’ll figure out how to do that tonight. Thanks :)

I just started last night. I ran through the first quest (basically the tutorial to rebuild my ship), then the second (build the glass key thingy and listen to two weird old people describe the strangest love-triangle I think gaming has ever portrayed) which seemingly forced me to do quests on Cetus and the new Plains

Nothing says “vote with your wallet” like receiving a dead unit from a company only to replace it with a more expensive unit from the same company.

I prefer Descendant of Shinobi - that’s my personal FFVII favorite.

Dwarf Fortress and CK2 share, in common, the issue that the learning curve is is steep, particularly (though not exclusively) due to the interface.

I almost asked “Who the hell spends $70 ironically?” because I temporarily forgot that people are idiots.

It confounds me that Kotaku’s standard Game Review template does not include a link to purchase the game somewhere in the article. Frequently I read a nice, well written article about a game I’m interested in and think “Neat, I’d love to check that out” only to have to scroll around the article again on the

I’m curious which economic model you are so fond of that operates this way. I’m also curious why you are so loudly tantruming about how much money somebody else gets does that affect you directly? It seems to really upset you, seeing somebody who you don’t feel is deserving acquire success...does that seem

wtf, says it’s not compatible with my phone. I know LeEco is a giant ball of failure, but my LePro (LEX727) should be able to handle it just fine...

I came to the article to see what the crew said when they came out (because, you know, that’dve been interesting).