Bill Hicks said it years ago, but I feel it bears repeating. Why can't we use this technology to deliver food to hungry people? Smart fruit, laser guided bananas. Something positive, and far cheaper.
I once heard an Iraq war veteran exalt about how precise smart bombs are, and then complain about how they keep hitting schools, hospitals, and weddings, in the same sentence. Is lack of sense of irony, or cognitive dissonance, required to join the military? Or is it trained into our soldiers. If extremely accurate…
"Precision" weapons are only as good as the people aiming them and deciding who dies. All the precision in the world hasn't stopped us from killing scores of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia...
I'm still upset about this.
Nope, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
I'm not interested in a pissing contest to prove America is the greatest country on earth. I'm interested in civil relationships with other countries and not going to war with foreign powers unless absolutely necessary. A douchebag in America pushing for an arms race and…
God, you righties HATE THE GUY SO MUCH, that you'll blame him for everything. ZOMG Russia has a train nuke. You know we still have about 20,000 nukes pointed at Russia, right? And that any exchange will result in the deaths of you, me, and anybody we've ever met, right?
I have such a car, series 1 though.. I can confirm that it is indeed
You can't take a corner above 5 mph in ANY landyatch without scaring the shit out of the surrounding environment, trees included.
The system is complex, but amazingly it seems to keep going forever. I've seen many DSes and CXes in very rough condition but the suspension managed to work in all of them.
This is post is just a conspiracy theory wrapped in clickbait.
It's maddening! Why are they all out of our reach now?! It's like another symptom of the growing divide between the upper class and the disappearing middle class.
You don't need to go to froggyland for that type of ride. If it's "hydrolastic" suspension and living room chair comfort y'all be wanting, along with a looooong stroke 1800 (by the same creator as the mini), that can run for an eon at a only couple of thousand revs at 110kph, look no further than old blighty's land…
MB 600 - is it really like a big fintail:
There's more, but this is what came to mind when I first read the headline.
It's essentially an updated Bedford TK/MK with a tilt cab and turbo motor. I earned my crust for years driving an articulated TK. Comfort was much better than any other of the UK "hardcore" trucks, but not as good as the Ford D series. Engine accessability was crap, via engine cover rather than tilt. Visibility was…
Forgive my dissent from the Party line here, but you were, in fact, trying to "game the system", were you not? If the policy of AAA is not to tow junk cars, and you had no intention of actually repairing your sad pile of Lexus, you were indeed "gaming the system." This is why AAA membership rates go up - paying for…
I don't like seat belt laws, but in a way I'm glad that the laws exist. I don't think that they should be ticketable, and especially not as a primary infraction, but I don't want someone getting hit with a vehicular homicide charge if who they hit would have lived if they were wearing a seatbelt. Hit them with…
There are a number of companies that make this sort of conversion, extending crew cabs for when you have an extended crew, say for Kanye and his entourage. Inside you get three-rows of seats, with space for 8 butts. The seller says that he's used it to cart around members of his kid's hockey team - the truck's in…
I would be completely fine with the U.S. moving our limit much closer to 0%. The argument I've heard is that 'Well, what if you're at a baseball game and have 2 beers or 2 glasses of wine with dinner and need to get home?'