
Vincent might give Shelby a run for her money (but I love her sassy l’il face so much!!!).

Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you accomplished this week or what good deed(s) have you done that you’d proud of? Let us know so we can crow along with you.

Awwwww - I’m blushing. Thank you!!!

Awwww - thank you so much!!! It is definitely a day I will remember always.

I had a ton of things in my head that I wanted to say to both of them, but we were whisked in and out so fast it was like a Scottish conveyor belt with a flash. I honestly don’t recall how I responded to David Tennant complimenting my dress - and I’m hoping I wasn’t too derpy!

Oh, goodness!!!

Awww, shucks. Thank you!

Thank you! It was the most amazing experience of 2019 thus far, I think.

Awww, thank you! I decided at the new year to live 2019 like Celine Dion at a Lady Gaga concert - doing whatever makes me happy and not giving a rat’s ass about what people think of me (or what I look like!). Archie is napping next to me right now, tooting in his sleep (and waking himself up).

It was definitely the highlight of the year thus far - not sure what else can top it! (but I’m working on it!)
SO SO wonderful to hear about the grant. I look forward to hearing about all of the good work that you all do with it!

Thank you!

That was wonderful of them to rescue you, and even more wonderful that you made their day in that way. Good on you.

Thank you! :)

Billie Piper was supposed to be in the pic, but she cancelled at the last minute. Barrowman kindly stepped in. I had another photo op purchased afterward with him, and they told me I could get a refund or put half the $ toward another photo. I chose to keep both as-is - and I’m glad I did!!! And thank you - loving the

Thank you! Although it was a quick pass-through photo opportunity, they were truly wonderful.

I left K-12 ed for that exact reason (well, it was other people’s kids and their parents, really). Good on you for finishing strong!

It’s the Weekly Achievement-DoGooder Thread! What have you gotten up to this past week (and the week before) that we can celebrate? Post it here so we can admire your accomplishments and good deeds.

This one is a little difficult as the swath of pain and suffering not only is so wide, but she’s been basically unstoppable (and promoted!) for so many years. But I can’t imagine what daily life is like for her, trying to keep on top of all of her evilness. Anyway, congratulations on the tattoo finalization. 13 is my

That sounds like a helluva day! Your kitties are just gorgeous, and I’m sorry to hear about the wine. Thanks for the reminder to live life like Auntie Mame!

I’m so sorry to hear this. A friend and I had miscarriages during the same week (she was 30; I was 42), and she needed a D&C that cost $3500 to add insult to injury. I was lucky enough that my uterus decided, for once, to be efficient and I didn’t need any further intervention at 13 weeks along. No matter what, it