
Teen girls picking random tics and made-up traits to reinforce ingroups and ostracize others? THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.

Perhaps this was my mom’s own particular brand of New England Puritan/Catholic hybridism.

I find this confusing, because I thought the Pick Me archetypes are the girls who make these videos. Like the first video is a Pick Me girl making fun of “girly girls”.

Yeah. I’m not going to lie, I had the same reaction when I saw a story of this girl whose boyfriend is into Star Wars, and she’s clearly not... but is trying SO hard to make it seem like she is in order to appease him. I feel kind of sorry for her but also guilty for feeling judgmental that she believes that watching


I came here to say the same thing. These are just Cool-Girl-Pick-Me girls. It’s so depressing. How do they not see that they are doing *exactly* the same, sad song and dance of “I’m not like other girls - I’m a cool girl!”?

This has some religious roots too, although it probably even predates organized Christianity.

Of course men care. What planet do you live on? All this nonsense is men driving what women should look like and how they should behave in order to be the “perfect woman.” Have you never once read the comment from men on literally anything that a woman posts on social media?

You’re making a distinction that doesn’t really matter. Traditional Wife. Cool Girl. Pick Me Girl. Anti-Pick-Me Girl. Mommy type. Career Girl. Girl Boss. Party Girl.

There is no anti pick me. These are all just regular pick-me types, the common theme being, “hey guys! I’m not like those other girls! Look at me!”

Fuck. The internet is so exhausting sometimes...

Because the right is just grifters, man. Grifters all the way down.

That’s the part I can’t wrap my head around. They had the Mercers’ fascist money. They should have been able to buy software services and hire good coders. Instead it looks like they just pocketed the money and did everything else as cheap as they could. What did they think would happen?

Meh...I’m of the mindset that nothing you put on an Internet-connected device is ever private, so people need to stop doing stupid shit like sexting. Also of the mindset that if you’re going to try to overthrow the US government, maybe don’t link your account to your driver’s license and plot your revolution on a

Identifying when they are committing crimes is not doxxing.

How the GOP makes a decision.

Yeah, I’m of the second mind. There’s a reason many people are against violence yet think it’s fine to punch a Nazi. Nazis are people whose entire philosophy is that anyone who isn’t straight and white deserves to die. I think punching is the least we can do.

That is the cutest picture in the history of ever.

First real vacation since Covid. Took some time off in July, but just sat around the house. This time went to Zion with my sister, hiked all day and jacuzzi until a respectable hour and off to bed (cause we’re adults and staying up all night is punishment). 

What a sweet little baby😊