Thank you on both counts. We were ready to take care of l’il Archie even if he was a sick doggo. Glad he will be healthy as well as large and in charge!
Thank you on both counts. We were ready to take care of l’il Archie even if he was a sick doggo. Glad he will be healthy as well as large and in charge!
I love all of these stories. What a fun afternoon you gave that little girl, and your kindness hopefully inspired those individuals to pay it forward as well. Keep it up - you are making the world a better place, one good turn at a time.
Thank you - he is really and truly a good boy. We are really lucky and he is just SO DANG CUTE.
I cannot imagine what this is like, and I’m so sorry that you have to experience these micro-aggressions (and actual aggressions). I’m so proud of you to turn that around on him. I hope that he was sufficiently embarrassed at profiling you. Maybe next time if you’re feeling not as confrontational or strong, you could…
That is so cool! I love the idea of utilizing those instead of endless rolls of cling wrap. Here’s hoping your anniversary celebration is wonderful! Congratulations!
It may or may not be a word I’ve used for a family member for a dozen or so years as well. You’re more than welcome to it!
Ooooooooooh, I am loving that story! Good for you sticking it out and getting rid of her. I’m glad you had a group of students supporting you, too. Makes it even more worthwhile.
Well, I certainly hope that you sang it in your head - or at least thought it! That’s accomplishment in and of itself.v
Ooooooh, I like all of this! One step closer to the end of rehab, and keep us posted on the potential/possible move abroad. That sounds so intriguing and wonderful.
32 is NOT old. I got my PhD at 43 after getting fucked out of an Asst Director position at a huge R1 university. I would really assess what you want to do 10-20 years down the road. What did you want to do with the degree? What type of position or career did you want to do? Can you hook up with another professional in…
It’s your Weekly Achievement/Good Deeds Thread! What awesome thing(s) or deed(d) did you get up to this week (or in the past two weeks as I missed last week’s SNS)? Let us know so we can celebrate you!
Hey, making it over to SNS is a feat in and of itself some weeks! And thank you. He is truly a sweet little guy.
I’m sorry to hear about the job, but I’m glad you got the experience. I love your persistent attitude, and I am sure that something will come up for you very soon. And there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with Cool Whip for breakfast! You feel as sorry for yourself for as long as you need to, and soldier on.
That was so wonderful of you to donate to them, and congrats on your new purchase! Crossing my fingers that you’ll get it home soon without breaking the bank.
Oh, hellfire and brimstone, that is a CAKE. Dang. My keto diet is crying deep inside of me right now. Congrats on the trivia win and the data crunching. All in all, sounds like a great week!
Now, that is a long, happy life! Goodness - the longest I’ve gotten a dog to live was 12 years, so that is truly a testament to your pupparenting skills. The cats are fine, but the younger one (just turned 2) is obsessed and terrified of Archie. I’m dogsitting my youngest’s pitbull-something mix now, and it’s…
Thank you! And I remember those days. The fatigue was just the worst, and the nausea. I’m glad you were able to soldier on through the exhaustion and make something that sounds just wonderful!
Thank you! And whoo hoo for another week down for you. I hope it has been meeting your expectations for health and healing.
Thank you! We try to trim them as needed. He is your typical Boxer with the constant booping with the paws, so keeping them in check is key. His two new beds will be delivered tomorrow, so hopefully he’ll stay off my sofas and give the cat beds back (not likely!).
You rock! I hope that you love the car and it’s good to you. Congrats on your new purchase!