
Best of luck on not murdering anyone on the rest of your shift. I understand where you’re coming from during my regular week - and seem to get looked over for the ‘good stuff.’ A colleague moved across the country to accept a new job, and they’re actually having HIM adjunct classes for the grant I’m working on (to

Brisket’s done, and here’s hoping it’s tender and not embarrassing as Mr.TARDIS’ friends are also partaking (this is my first overnight-brisket attempt as it’s too fucking hot to cook anything in an oven this weekend).

Doesn’t something simple always seem like it’s a dang production? Glad you tackled it, and were also able to do some gardening.

Good riddance to the narcissist asswipe! Here’s sending you some healing mojo for that poor gallbladder as well.

I couldn’t stand my own middle schoolers, much less other peoples’s (which is why I’m no longer in K-12 ed). Hope you get to relax some this weekend.

YES for no new lesions! So glad to hear your current regimen is working and you don’t have to do a search for something that does. Best of luck for continued healing.

I have had to clear out the work fridge before, and each time it was a good $80-90 in nice containers. People are truly disgusting. Glad the guy was cool with your accidental lunch-tossing.

Congrats on making it through two years, and best of luck on your new search! I am on a two-year contract, and I feel your pain.

Weekly Achievement Thread! What kick-assery did you get up to this past week? Crow about it here so we can celebrate with you!

Lord, no. We’ve been going through this for 23 years, so it’s like every other year he’s waaaaaay off with his gifts. His issue is that he won’t ask me what I want, and if I say “I want x” he won’t get it. He has to come up with it on his own, so I’m used to the hit-n-miss. And thank you for the birthday wishes! It’s

Like Mary Poppins, even! Good on you, and congrats on your stellar review!

That is some serious financial responsibility - way to go! I, too, have gone from a work-at-home freelancer/doc student to a 5-day-a-week desk job at the university. I completely feel you that a maxi skirt and a solid-color v-neck tee doesn’t really cut it for the workplace! It’s a transition for sure.

Glad to hear that you powered through your illness and kicked ass at your productivity! I know how hard it is to find a therapist who takes your insurance, so I’m thrilled that you got someone who ticks all of the boxes for you.


Tonight I’m warmbrewing coffee in the new sous vide that Mr.TARDIS got me for my birthday this week. I’m sure it will be great after I let it chill overnight in the fridge. Here’s Mr. Vincent telling you that it’s time for a shower, like now.

I did this with my 18yo cat after a wonderful 18 years with his bitchy, furry ass. It absolutely is the most gut-wrenching thing I can image after losing a human kid. I am so sorry. It does get better, I promise. It sucks so hard, though. Internet hugs and much love while your heart heals.

Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this past week that you are particularly proud of? Let us know here so that we can crow about your fantasticness!

Oh, not at all! My typical M.O. to the office is to beat the shit out of my work and after it’s crying in submission, I typically scream over it like a caveman with a club. My current boss was my GTA supervisor and also my chair, and she didn’t “believe” that I was so sick (and even had the unmitigated gall to give me

I defended last December and graduated in May - and my dean/chair handed me a postdoc! :) I was very lucky. Good luck this term - you GOT this.

Awwwww yeaaaaaaah. I’m impressed - that’s not a little sprint!