As someone who is disc-slippy (to the point of needing cortisone injections in my damn spine), I SO feel you. I am glad you put a halt to everything and focused on getting that disc wrangled back into place!
As someone who is disc-slippy (to the point of needing cortisone injections in my damn spine), I SO feel you. I am glad you put a halt to everything and focused on getting that disc wrangled back into place!
I feel you - my PhD was working 50-60 hours/week and I had a miscarriage in the second year when I was turning 43. I’m glad they approved you and you get a respite for a while.
Hell yeah! I hate those people, because it always seems to be “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” Good on you for sticking to your guns.
I truly don’t have my shit together. The stress is getting to me health-wise (again), and I honestly need to refocus on how to make that STOP. Stress is fine; letting it affect my health is absolutely not fine. I am sorry that I have no leads for NYC as I don’t know anyone in the city that can help, but hopefully…
Getting that off of your plate was a huge relief, I’m sure! Here’s hoping that your next gig arrives with good pay, plenty of continued recognition, and no toxicity!
Sending your continued job mojo and new-job best wishes! I’m sure you’ll be able to find a better fit for at least the same (if not better) pay. Good luck!
That is fantastic - and 10% sold with non-aggressive marketing? That’s a coup! Wishing you good luck on your path toward book #2.
Good luck to you on your race! 10K isn’t anything to sniff at - I’d be happy to jog half of that. And for a good cause, too!
This is absolutely what we’re looking for!! Even making it to the end of the day where you’re lying in bed and alive is some days quite the accomplishment. I suffer from hormone-induced depression where some months, I’m obsessing about hanging myself (or other suicidal thoughts). Frankly, NOT getting anything done on…
Car shopping really should have its own circle of hell, so congratulations on that huge achievement! Hope you are loving your new wheels.
Impostor syndrome blows, doesn’t it? Glad to hear you were networking and it went well for you!
I used to teach for 8 hours on weekends, so I feel your pain. I’m glad you slid through it without incident AND the dating isn’t a complete disaster! Good luck on your upcoming dates - I hope they are fruitful.
Congratulations on your newfound position, and have fun at the conference!
Congrats on keeping your post! We have a welding machine at home, but it’s so hot most of the year that we never use it. I hope you get some really great projects out of your Bessy.
Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you accomplished this week that you are proud of? Let us know so that we can celebrate with you.
Sweet! Happy Pride, and glad you hit one of your summer goals this year. I’ll have to check out the Elomis - thanks for the rec!
Isn’t it amazing what a coat of paint will do to a room? I’ll bet those stairs were a real bitch, but look so good now. Best of luck with the rest of your painting endeavor!
Wow - that is impressive! I didn’t know that the results took THAT long to get back. I’d be a total wreck. Crossing fingers and legs for you!
Congratulations! They say that special ed burnout is about 4 years, so good on you for making it past there. And have fun with the new running shoes!
Gutters and downspouts are a ridiculous pain in the ass, and your gutter cleaner sounds like a helpful tool. I’m lucky in that all of the oaks that were clogging my gutters with leaves have been lost to rot and/or storms, so I don’t need mine cleaned as often. Hopefully the rain chain works out!