
Thank you - I think that there’s a lot of negative comments and I’ve seen posts about infighting happening (a tale as old as time...), so if it’s the one positive thing I can do all weekend that’s a good thing! And thank you for your kind words about my applications - crossing my legs!

Imposter syndrome is a total killer, so it’s good to hear that your professors are validating your talent and smarts. Shibori is SO gorgeous, so I hope you enjoy your new sheets with a sense of pride - and congratulations on your pending nuptials!

Honestly, I just think that putting it out there to the universe helps make it a reality, plus the positive thoughts of your fellow Jezzies. Keep us posted!

Isn’t that just the best feeling? ;)

Wow - that’s a lot of accomplishment! And nearly 20lbs in two months is AMAZING. Here’s hoping you & your sis have a profitable and enjoyable Valentine’s Day with your packages - and working together as a team.

Good on you for finishing up your story to shoot out, and also on your food choices. I’d stab someone in the stomach for a good mozz stick right about now...

Sweet! Glad to know you now can do it yourself and save some $$. And spending $30 in delivery and install is a STEAL.

Yes, it absolutely does! Baby steps... Sounds like your backbone is growing well.

Yes, the throat has been bad since Thursday, but I’m kicking it slowly.

Daaaaaaang. That’s a monster! Hopefully it didn’t taste like a brick and was delicious.

Congrats on making it out of Oz, and to know yourself enough that the xanny bar half was what you needed. I’ll be toasting you in a few days with some vodka once I pull out of this.

You are much stronger than I am! Good on you.

Wonderful! Here’s hoping for some even more goodness coming your way!

That was one of my favorite middle school classes, mostly because of my AMAZING teacher (who was a former Miss Kansas in the 60s). Congrats on your new gig!

Oddly, the congestion isn’t much at all (thankfully), so I’m trying to just relax and let it take its course. Congrats on trademarking your business and four yoga sessions is awesome!

I’m doing ginger and lemon tea, but it’s not fresh root. I’ll see if I can send one of the kids out tomorrow for that. Here’s hoping your depression doesn’t take root and it’s smooth sailing. I don’t wish moving house on my worst enemy, so sounds like you’re doing pretty great!

Awesome - you keep punching those glass ceilings! What a dream job - I’m swooning.

I admire your class and restraint. May we all learn from your example! :)

Rock on! I have worked 3-4 jobs more years than I have worked only one job, so I feel you.

You get a gold star for that, trust!