
"We have invented a robot that will both bake samoas and guilt people at the train station into buying them. We will effectively end all productivity in the world, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Casanova just comes out as creeptastic. Even Heath Ledger couldn't un-creepify Casanova.

yes, thats why he's Khan .

Tennant was way hotter as the Doctor than as Casanova. He came off kind of creeptastic in Casanova.

Back when I was working at the movie theater I had something like this happen. A man came up to buy a ticket to some new indie documentary and asked me if I knew what it was about. I hadn't had a chance to look at the description and when I told him he replied it was about evolution. I said that sounded cool, and that

That is abad hospital. There are reasons for bottles in the labor ward even for breastfeeding mothers. My son's mom breastfed; however, there were times in her post-cesarean recovery where she was not readily available and I bottle-fed my son during that time. To not have these available at all seems reckless.

If it's just as good as formula and it's free, then it's best.

Luckily I'm not stupid, so yeah. When I say I can't, I mean, I can't. It's excreted very highly in breast milk, and, even if it weren't, it would still be my fucking choice if I felt it was not worth even a tiny risk, right? So, by not trying to be pushy you strongly implied that I was uninformed, and offered me a

Your post is filling with me so much rage. Point me in the direction of any of these people and I will yell at them for you. I don't care if your kids are 40 by now. grrrr

I pretty much had the same experience at the doctor's office (I am in Australia, and there is insane pressure over here and a very high rate of EBF). The difference being that I am bipolar and had quit my mood stabiliser while I was trying to conceive, and during my pregnancy, but it was agreed by my prenatal

I know this may be a bit controversial for some but I really feel like breastfeeding should be about choice. Instead of trying to force women one way or the other, would it not be better just to give a general education around infant feeding and let women make their own decision? The breastfeeding-or-bust argument is

I'm not pg or planning to gestate any time soon, but I cried when I realized that I can't ever safely breast feed (crazy pills, doncha know old bean). I can't imagine how I would have reacted if I were in your position that day, but I doubt it would have been graceful.

I also don't understand why the WHO wants to prevent people in hospitals from receiving formula. I had a C-section, my milk was delayed, my baby had jaundice and was losing more than the recommended amount of weight. So we gave him formula, because he needed it. What should they have done, charged me for it?

I am pregnant right now, and recently went for an appointment with my doctor. The nurse who came in to take my blood pressure, starting going over some information she had to give me. The usual stuff about aches and pains and upcoming things to expect, and then she pulled out a brochure on breastfeeding. I am planning

My sister had to stop trying to breast feed because my nephew couldn't latch on and it was interfering with their bonding. I hate these posters. Fuck people who shame mothers!

As a mother who struggled with breastfeeding her first and had to quit (but 15 months exclusive with my second - go me!), these posters would have made me want to smash things. I certainly hope this was accompanied by increased access to proper lactation assistance at hospitals and at home and you know - MAT LEAVE.


At my sister's wedding the groom's cake was red velvet, it was made to look like a roadkill armadillo.

There's only one species of domesticated dog. I think when you say "most dog species" what you mean is "most breeds."

I find most spiders ugly, however jumping spiders? Adorable!