HAHAHAA! First off, look up what patriarchy means. Second, I love that one specific made up "fact" is suppose to disregard an entire cultural theory. Nice try.
HAHAHAA! First off, look up what patriarchy means. Second, I love that one specific made up "fact" is suppose to disregard an entire cultural theory. Nice try.
Seriously. I will NEVER understand people who get all up in arms about breastfeeding in public. What is the mother suppose to do? Stay at home all day? That's not practical OR conducive to staying sane.
Or both.
YES to sleeves! I've been looking for wedding dresses and those strapless ones do not flatter me at all.
Aww….. the Iggy white knight is here!
Wow...She is awful. Do people call her out on her racist shit?
You did a great job explaining this, but it looks like it's falling on deaf ears.
How are we suppose to know who is in charge? So wouldn't asking men as a whole to denounce abuse make sense?
It's a fact that most rapists aren't diagnosable sociopaths. I think you do speak from a place of ignorance on the issue.
When did she stereotype men as rapists? I think it's pretty obvious that when women complain about harassment and say "When men do this…" she doesn't mean all men.
Yeah, I remember the harassment starting at around 13.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Those guys are both gross.
Ugh. I have a pet peeve about this. Dating someone for their looks is just as shallow as dating someone for their money. Just admit it.
Being called a female doesn't really bother me, but I do think it sounds awkward (which is important for a dating proposal). People tend to use "female" or "male" as a adjective for humans. Using it as a noun sounds strange unless you're talking about lab rats or watching the a nature documentary.
It must be a boring day at work because autocorrecting "vagina" as "bacon" is fucking hilarious.
I'm so with you on this. Not only are they boring, but they are pretty dim souring too. Granted I've seen maybe one interview with both Will and Kate, but they sound like idiots.
True, but the interviewer is a tool and an all around dill weed.
That one with the puppy! I'm dead now.
Jezebel doesn't say that women can't ever be sexualized, hell, many of the posts here feature Beyonce and her glorious butt, or featuring the Victoria's Secret models. The problem comes when women are seen PRIMARILY as sexual objects and/or are objectified by being broken down into body parts to be used and consumed.
Don't forget Zusi! I'm usually not a ponytail fan, but he pulls it off like a champ.