
OK. Thanks for your response. But… women also don't "chose" who they fall in love with.

Trolololololololololololol! Have fun with your pathetic little life! :)

Ha! The irony. If he gave a shit about you he wouldn't have said that.

I was about to post this in your defense, but you beat me to it.

Yeah, they may mean that you are acting too passive. It's a good thing to have thought-out opinions and to be able to stand up for yourself. I'm not saying this is you, its just one possibility. I have heard strong women say that a guy was "too nice" when it meant they wanted someone who was a strong-willed an

Truth. Being nice doesn't mean you deserve dates. A relationship takes a lot more than being nice.

I hear what you are saying, a lot of nice (not "NICE") guys can be really passive and that is not the most attractive trait in a person, male or female. I've always dated nice/kind men and they still have opinions and stand up for themselves.

I actually don't understand your comment. Further explanation please?

I don't think you read my comment, I never said they're weren't any self-destructive women. I said that actually nice guys don't blame all women because they can't get a date.

That very well may be true, if a woman can't get a boyfriend it could be her fault for being a shitty person. I not sure what your referring too, considering your comment don't make sense and is generally out of the article's scope. However, I would suggest you go back and read the article as well as my comment. I

I have a guy friend who is super nice/generally awesome and had some trouble meeting women because of shyness. Never once did he get angry at the women. Guess what happened next? He went online (I think he felt less anxious about talking to women online) and girls where throwing themselves at him. I also told him to

I would put a liz lemon eye roll gif here if I had it. I always want to tell these dudes that they could get some much done if they didn't put all of their insecurities on women.

Looks like you dodged a one messed-up/emotionally fucked bullet! Congrats! :)

I see your point, but I LOVE nice guys. I find that being a nice person often comes with being confident, even-tempered, and thoughtful.

Ugh. I swear to god I have NEVER EVER heard an actually nice (I not "Nice") guy actually complain about not getting a girl because he was too nice.

The word itself is not a bad thing. However, the article is talking about a minority of dudes who use it as a way to guilt women about not wanting to have sex with them. The article is about this people who feel entitled to a woman's body or attention just because they were nice and polite.

If I had a clapping gif, I would post it here for Dr. Michael M. Crow. Sir, thank you for giving me some faith that universities should take some responsibility for their students.

I want this in black.

"Do you think Gloria Steinem waxes?"

I feel like most men would agree with you.