#12) The people who get overly emotional and dramatic about everything.
#12) The people who get overly emotional and dramatic about everything.
No, but it is marketed for us.
First of all, I that dude who was testing the bullet proof jacket looked way more calm than I could ever be.
I really respect your stance. However, I think I'm sad that we live in world where a 19 year old could do this, I don't really feel sad for him.
So, does anyone have a pet that isn't spoiled? I feel like every dog or cat that I have known has, at one point or another, eaten table scraps or human food.
I prefer donuts. The end.
Dude, I had a Belgian co-worker who told us about black pete. I tried to explain to him why no one should do it ever, and I got an epic blank stare from him, followed by a nervous laugh. He then proudly proclaimed that he had been black pete one year for Christmas. He didn't get it.
I was being sarcastic too, just as a side note.
Why are you disrespecting my religion!? I mean, my religion is bigoted, but it's my religion! You're hurting my feelings!
Ha! Yes! I'm not Catholic, but went to a Catholic high school (don't ask).
"I'd also argue that people who work on teaching children to hate other people shouldn't be given a tax-free platform in which to do so."
I was just about the write about Father the Lasher. This dude is popular in Belgium as well.
I know I was ramble-y in this post. My point was just to figure out what this type of policy is beneficial to them in the long term. As much as I don't agree republicans, they are damn good at political strategy.
Ok, hear me out. I used to think this breed of republican was stupid. I used to think that all of their decisions were based on purely emotional/religious reasoning. Basically I thought that they had their heads so far up their own asses that they could not understand the glaring evidence contrary to what was coming…
I hope this is figured out soon, I can't handle all the crazies right now. I also hope they find whoever it is before they decide to do this again.
Your gif is much needed right now. Thank you.
Dude! I remember getting filthy, sexual things said to me when I was walking to school when I was 12. Usually the guys in the car looked at least 25. Every time I wanted to yell at them: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I'M 12!
Your gif has both transfixed and confused me.
Aaaaannnnd here we go. I was just waiting for some dimwit to start spouting racist drool.