
Neither of the things she says (naming her hometown, saying that she's black) are "resistant". It's just not telling people every single tiny thing they want to know but really have no business knowing. As a white woman, I haven't really had this experience (though sometimes I get "are you Jewish?"), but every single

I feel sort of mildly annoyed about the whole thing of people not dressing for the occasion—like a magnificent cloud of a princess dream gown for a rustic outdoor wedding by a barn—but she really does look so darn beautiful that it's hard to find fault. I like the head wrap, too.

Of course it's a big deal. First of all, two months is grossly underestimating how long it takes in cosmetology school to master a significant new skill. But it's not a matter of simply learning it once; you have to keep up with techniques and tools and trends, all of which takes money and time in classwork. If you

It's crazy, but yes, that's what you'd pay at one of the new hipster Salons in W'burg (that's close to what I pay at my very low-key, non-hipster place in Manhattan). Places like Persons of Interest are very big on the "experience," so there's more overhead.

Perfect, thank you.

I agree with you otherwise, but how else should he have mentioned the wheelchair thing?

You make some entirely valid points—and of course we're never obligated to go out with someone we don't want to go out with, and it sounds like you weren't into him anyway—but just a few things about what you're saying: it sounds like you have a really active lifestyle, and of course you'd want a partner who can share

It also kind of implies in "I'm just going to take my vagina on out to the curb, see what happens."

The "balls" in this case means something else. Though this reminds me of when I used to think that men saying "I'm going to hit the head" when they were going to the bathroom meant that they were going to hit the head of their in, hit it with their hand while they held it in front of the urinal. I was very

The second part of your question is too complicated an issue for me to think about at the moment, but as for the first: I do think it's unfair for you to assume that he might not be into what you're looking for, without having met him or even knowing why he's in the wheelchair (unless he did mention that part). There

The whole Michael Richards thing is very interesting to me, because that incident really did destroy his career. I'm not entirely sure that he would have been super-marketable in mainstream entertainment post-Seinfeld, anyway, but that episode WRECKED his career. Which is not to say that it shouldn't have, but it's

It's hard for me not to be cynical about that just a little bit, because it's not like he has no motivation to seem as sincerely contrite as possible, but of all the blowhards on Fox News, Shep Smith is really the most human. They're lucky that he was on the air when this happened, because no one else on that

If the whole bottle were worth $5000 on the open market, I'd be shocked. I don't even think they qualify as chips, I think it's just diamond dust.

Yeeeessssss, indeed.

The quality of public schools in NY varies hugely from school to school. One problem is that there's absolutely no guarantee that you'll get into the school you're zoned for—say you choose your neighborhood based partially on the quality of the school in that zone. But if the school is that great, probably lots of

I used to hang out on these boards sometimes. It was really unhealthy, and I'm glad I stopped. And let me tell you—EXACTLY this conversation happens there ALL. THE. TIME. And the pattern you're describing—the lone poster or two pointing out Ms. $400K's sheer insanity, and then getting attacked—is as predictable as the

OMG, WHAT is Ann Romney WEARING? How did I miss this??

Kurt Sutter is so good at saying subtly douchey things. "Wish I could say I was surprised, but I TOTALLY CALLED IT!"

Hm. I guess I remember the chapter on her dad being mostly about her adoring him but not seeing eye-to-eye on him with everything. Like the way she described his politics in the context of his life, even though she clearly doesn't subscribe to the same political views in her own.

Yes, I imagine her as mostly gristle.