
That statistic is worth some concern, but her tweet was aimed at a particular writer. And for one writer to target a fellow writer with a barb like that demands a higher level of argumentation than can be put into 140 characters, to avoid looking mean-spirited.

I love how weird pilots look, years after a show becomes popular. Remember the pilot of The Golden Girls, where they had a houseboy?

I don't remember thinking that, particularly, though there are only certain parts of the book I remember now...against which groups was her racism directed?

But this gown was A-OK, I guess?

Not to take away from your generous impulse, but if he's had the wherewithal to find nine different therapists, he would probably be able to find a support group if he wanted to be in one.

Well...I'm not sure he thinks this is a therapeutic release. I think he's aware that this is a series of short-term fixes. And he doesn't seem interested, at this point, in getting to the bottom of it or untangling it or getting rid of the kink or whatever. He sounds pretty clear-headed about the way it fits into his

I never had the sense that we were supposed to like those characters, particularly. Lovable characters aren't a must-have for great literature. Catherine and Heathcliff, after all, are pretty dreadful.

But Jodi Picoult has to be aware that she's not Tweeting in a vacuum—because she is herself part of the group that she cites as not getting enough raves (in that she's not a "white male literary darling")—it's reasonable for people to assume that she includes herself among those who are being slighted. If she doesn't

Your husband must be a very special man, because that might've made me run screaming from the whole family.

I know, I thought the same thing! Maybe he gets to bring them with him? I realize lots of people have to work on Christmas, so this is the definition of a first-world problem, but my dad is a doctor so every second or third Christmas he was on call, and those years always sucked a little bit. I mean, again—"sucked" is

Well that's nice to hear. My previous impression of them was just that their music was pretty dippy, but this makes me feel glad for their success, even so.

I've definitely seen him move his mouth, but I can't recall really hearing much of him.

Karmin definitely does not rock, but I'm OK with considering Karmin a female act, because I'm not clear on what exactly Nick Noonan does. He definitely stands by a keyboard. I assume he's playing some chords up there. But is their music even particularly keyboard-driven? I remember a three or four-piece backing band

That sucks. It's one of my weaknesses, too, that I have a soft spot for people who need me, which isn't necessarily terrible in principle, but not really the healthiest thing either. I try to be thoughtful about the way that manifests itself. Also I don't have children.

Is she one of those people who sort of needs to be needed, and she thinks of the least-successful kids as the ones who need her most?

bf'ing is a REALLY imperfect form of birth control.

It's time for a new one already??? Where is my life GOING?

Oh man. The part that really gets me is the business about his family coming "from far and wide" for their extra-special virgin wedding. Whatever you're talking about that you think made your wedding the extra-specially best—the band, the location, the Krispy Kremes, your wife's intact hymen—you're only going to sound

I also agree with @LeahJaclyn, but I'd also add that being emotionally ready for marriage is a much bigger hurdle to clear than being emotionally ready for sex, so if you're thinking of your current boyfriend as a possible future Mr. Whytt, especially at age 18, I'd try to dial back the intensity on that a little. I

That is a good question—I imagine he'd say that he does, but who knows.