
Oh, I know—it's kind of all of a piece, and there is the creepy idea that the household should parallel the Kingdom of God, wherein the man functions as the de facto deity—but even so there is a subtle distinction between that and "I want my wife to bring me all my food on a tray." Don't get me wrong, both in

OK, so—not that being married to Tim Tebow sounds especially fun (piles of money aside), and I'm sure he is breathtakingly paternalistic and expects his wife to be subservient and to consider him the head of the household and blah blah blah, but probably his use of "servant" in this context is meant to refer to being

Reading the linked article makes it seem insane that this case ever went to trial. Like the state just didn't want to bother investigating any more COMPLETELY OBVIOUS suspects, *yawn*. The sister sounds like a nightmare.

This is what I was thinking. All the "waste of time" comments ignore the fact that he's still going to be on vacation in a really beautiful place, even if he never sees this girl. It's possible even that, in looking for her, he'll see some places he wouldn't have bothered visiting otherwise. So hopefully he'll at

I will say that I know two people who got married from such a meeting. But that's only because he went back to the coffee shop the same afternoon and she happened to still be there. So she only had two hours of fantasies to contend with, not months or years.

"My fans miss me—they love me. I mean sure, they're a bunch of he-she looking robots..."

That's the Largo set mentioned above.

It's a funny show, but the central premise really doesn't carry through well...the longer Ted mopes around in search of his one true love, the more creepy and love-obsessed and empty he starts to seem. And the worse I start to feel for his poor kids, listening to this ever-more-desperate tale.

I know...I don't like him much either, but he really brought some good stuff to the show.

Oh, me too! I've been whining about this for ages, and people always look at me like I just don't UNDERSTAND the PROFUNDITY of the phrase.

Yes, I think you're absolutely right. I was mentioning the other stuff more as a rhetorical question.

But then, what *would* be the nature of the insult he's making? Michelle Obama is being offered $50 to appear in a feature on...aquatic species native to Lake Baikal? Cave painting in the Tunisian Desert?

"Judging" is another way of saying "drawing conclusions for the purpose of decision- making," which is why we have reasoning skills. Sure, it's not so great if we feel like we have the right to constantly judge people's character and find them lacking in order to pump ourselves up, but one way to decide whether to

She's correct in that marijuana should be avoided by those who have a history with psychotic disorders (bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, for example). I hadn't heard before that it should be avoided, period, until mid-20s, but I suppose that could be because psychotic disorders often don't present until that point.

WHOA. The force is strong indeed. According to wikipedia, Kris's parents are Scottish and Dutch, so...I dunno.

I imagine that's what she was going for, though if we want to talk Kardashians Who Do Not Look Like Robert, Kim pretty much wins that contest—she's basically a Kris clone (klone?). I just thought it sounded like kind of flimsy logic—"O.J. Simpson must be her dad, because of her light hair."

Can Disney princess culture really be said to encompass a formal recognition of the sovereignty of Princess Jasmine and her magical flying carpet?

They're pretty much equal-opportunity nicknamers on the website. I don't think it can really be considered anti-feminist, since it's basically of a piece with Chay Tates, Justin Beebz, and Prince Hot Ginge.

It's perhaps journalistically inaccurate, but not exactly *disrespectful*—it's proper to address her by her title as a courtesy, and it would be disrespectful not to use it in diplomatic contexts, but in the U.S. we're not required to pay greater respect to a royal title than any other title. So it's really no more