
75% of me just thinks about how awesome this is, and then 25% of me imagines how my great-grandparents would respond if I could go back in time and tell them "someday, parents are going to go to great lengths to jolly their children into eating the wide variety of nutritious foods that are personally prepared for them

How so? Who wants their S.O. hanging around work all the time? Unless you work WITH your partner, your presence at their office/factory/studio/shop is best kept as an occasional treat at most, not a regular feature.

Please no one let Rick Santorum know about this.

According to his Wikipedia page, he got his BA and then between that and his MA, studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Institute. To be clear, I have my BFA in acting and so have the utmost respect for this pursuit, HOWEVER...I wonder how his fellow tea partiers would look on that part of his educational life?

I imagine he'd prefer to have a voting base with the least amount of education possible, so that he and his ilk can more easily deceive them.

This isn't even true, is it? I believe that Fluke worked for several years after undergrad, and then went back to law school. She's not a "lifetime student." Someone else who got a Bachelor's degree and then later went back for post-grad studies: Rep. Joe Walsh.

Ohhh, I bet you're right. That would make more sense. (I mean, as far as that goes.)

But you don't understand!! They're exploring the DARK SIDE of cartoons, which is POSTMODERN!

Neither The Masters of the Universe, nor corn: nothing is sacred.

I know. This is more depressing than the (Gawker?) post a couple of weeks ago, where all the comments were like "there were tan M&Ms?"

Sounds like it's because her breast tissue is unusually dense.

I just laughed out loud to the empty room for a full minute at the very idea of "I know you like fonts." That is SUCH a mother thing to say.

Right there with you.

Oh, you're very welcome! And good luck—it sounds like whatever her circumstances, she's lucky to have someone in her life as attentive and concerned as you are.

The thing about alcoholism—and I say this as one with some experience in the matter—is that you can't make someone else seek help. You can let them know that you think they *should* get help, but the thing you have to accept right off the bat, before you even state an opinion, is that whatever you say may well fall on

They probably celebrated his first b-day with a mani-pedi.

It's a pretty fringey part of the U.S. porn industry in the 21st century that's fed by sex slavery. One could of course debate what constitutes "slavery," and whether hiring someone who is doing what she's doing because she feels she has no other options is a form of coercion, but the kind of mainstream porn that most

Well, one of the differences with a hypothetical flasher is that he has a more or less captive audience, while presumably her audience could walk away. And being egged on by onlookers is not the same as aggressing upon onlookers. But I do see your point. And while I'm annoyed that, once again, the criminal charges

Not to ignore your overall point, but OMG, what did the nurses tell the would-be stylists??

Except that formula is not a medicine, and formula feeding is not a medical procedure, and it is in no way standard for city governments to feel compelled to remind medical personnel how to do their jobs in this specific way.