
Except that those in favor of the ultrasound thing would argue that there IS an informational benefit to showing an image of a fetus, just as those in favor of this initiative argue that there's a solid reason to dictate that physicians say particular things about breastfeeding to their patients. Obviously, this gets

That's awesome and I'm glad it happened and I don't begrudge you one sip of that Similac, but what NYC hospitals give away are, like, gift bags. I don't know enough of the regulation's nitty-gritty to know what is and isn't covered, but I don't think it's designed to bar relief programs from providing significant

Yeah, but a government-mandated "talking to" is not letting doctors do their jobs. It's legislators telling doctors how best to do their jobs. And there is a certain similarity between that and forcing doctors to show women seeking abortions to first look at ultrasound images, or something like that.

No, you know from your experience that once YOU start in on formula you're kind of screwed in the breastfeeding department. That's not a universal truth. Some mothers produce like faucets, and supplementing for whatever reason doesn't cause supply problems. Some mothers can't produce enough to meet their babies'

Oh, sorting through all the posts under this system just to see if the comment you want to make has already been made is an impossible task. It makes me very dizzy.

How is it possible to change diapers with that mani? That's got to be varsity-level parenting.

Well, also, second marriages end in divorce at a higher rate than first marriages, overall. And yes, agree with you on her statement—particularly the whole "my kids love her" part, which must have been tough to swallow at first.

"give" as in temporary custody, not as in "congratulations, it's a boy!"

I was thinking the same thing! I think that the real Poncelet was killed in the electric chair, but not in the movie version. Obviously The Beef studies his heroes thoroughly.

I've done it, and it's not easy, but being an eccentric celebrity doesn't mean that you're exempt from labor regulations.

My own "full disclosure" here is that I have a real problem with this kind of behavior and the attempts to justify it, but if I may—it sounds like this really is a source of continued suffering and worry for you. It also sounds like the thing you're doing in an attempt to mitigate your suffering and worry (spying)

I suppose that could be true. Doesn't the host introduce her as someone who is on the show regularly? Maybe she's like a recurring jerk character of sorts, and it's just an ill-conceived and poorly-executed version of that character?

Yeah, it actually sounds like the sort of discipline that would only reinforce conventional ideas about cultural differences.

Thank you, seriously. I thought the same thing...after we're done tackling this biology-ignorance thing, perhaps we can address the people-who-are-ignorant-of-the-geography-of-their-country problem.

The "Dan Savage is transphobic" thing comes up a lot, and it always makes me want to ask whoever is saying it if they've ever actually seen a truly transphobic person. Transphobia—or even simple misunderstanding of trans issues—is pretty common, sadly; and I don't get why Dan Savage of all people is considered

Tan were always my favorite, too! I think of them as the smoothest M&M.

heehee! I flipped through all the comments just to see if someone posted this.

Wait, so if you are unable to have biological children and choose to adopt instead, your father will demand some kind of proof of infertility? Does he also stipulate how far you must go in your efforts to reproduce biologically before choosing adoption?

That's a good point (re: motivation) but I'd say that was still just as despicable, if in a different way.

Isn't this something that was written by someone who is now an adult? Or maybe I misunderstood.