I have Pop Pop in the attic

I, too, miss Jon Stewart. I don’t think anyone will be able to fill his shoes, but I Trevor Noah is doing a better job than I had expected. I think he is just green and needs to hit his comfort zone. I felt like Stewart was so comfortable there that he could just let everything fly, and by comparison Noah feels a bit

Jessica Williams is A GORRAM TREASURE.

And they grade papers and draw up lesson plans after hours.

This clown has lived off the government teat for his entire life. He is a hypocritical moron.

I have to agree, and the 126 work days...does that mean actually in the chamber or like in your office doing research, policy edits, blah blah blah.

Of course you don’t force people what to believe or not believe! The point of secularism is that no one religion should be codified in law. In Ireland, non-Catholics have to deal with laws that are not based on public health and safety or on science or medicine but on Catholic dogma. That’s what secularists have a

I don’t recommend you follow the current discourse going on in some European countries about the role of the church, and their insistence that Europe was founded as a “Christian” continent. If anything, I’d argue that everything that’s good about modern Europe is the rejection of Christian dogma - it’s like everyone

I really firmly believe that over its 1500+ year history the Roman Catholic church has done far more harm than good. Not to write off the good that individual Catholics have done, but as an institution it has rarely (maybe never?) been on the right side of history.

I’m too lazy to do an in-depth google search right now, but wasn’t there a huge uproar about finding a mass grave of children born to unwed mothers in the ‘60s awhile back too? Really showing the sacredness of life there.

Are they serious about the church being so fantastic for Ireland and
Europe? Are they not aware of the awful history of rape and abuse of children in Catholic schools in Ireland? I mean, it’s almost painful reading about the church and its supporters whitewashing the church’s influence on Ireland. Or, we could go back

My next door duplex neighbors in college were SEVEN Paul Ryans, all of them Republican assholes who were going to school on FEDERALLY funded grants/loans (spending their stipends on TV’s and pool tables), and I the Democrat who’s parents paid for every cent, by the work of their brow.

You win the interweb today. Thank you. He and his ilk ARE the problem. Fuck him, the stupid asshole.

He is hardly working. The House schedule has just 126 workdays this year. 126! And those are mostly 10AM - 3PM hours. The rest of the days are classified as “district work days,” which is Congress-speak for paid days off to collect raise lots and lots of bribes money.

This is exactly it. And he has deluded himself, like a lot of Republicans and right-wingers who work in state and federal government, that he’s entitled to everything he gets because he’s working hard. The poors are obviously lazy because if they weren’t, they would at least have a nice middle class job with health

Paul Ryan’s entire life is an example of “for me, but not thee.”

if I sat next to one of Paul Ryan’s offspring on an airplane I would eat them so honestly they probably shouldn’t.

Sophia always been a hater.

The density of stupid in that column is amazing.

Couldn’t someone also argue that a waiter who relies on tips would want you to eat and gtfo so they could move on to the next table/tip? A salaried waiter would not rush you along because they have no reason to want you to leave. Unless you are abrasive like this guy.

“Yesterday, Richard Cohen wrote a piece about tipping. Oh boy. Strap the fuck in.”