I have Pop Pop in the attic

That is exactly what happened. At some point, the right decided to stop compromising, which means either nothing gets done or shit like this gets done. I’m ready for term limits and district mapping done by computer algorithms please.

I vote that anyone who votes to repeal the ACA gets to live one year without health insurance - all costs out of pocket, for them and their families. Let’s see how they like that.

She’d make some ridiculous, absurdist retort that if enough red blooded americans just started SHOOTING into the stormclouds, climate change wouldn’t even be an issue.

“Hi. Our government is irretrievably broken, and my party is directly responsible for the majority of the bad decisions that have led to this. Elect me." Fuck you, bitch.

i love when people who obviously don’t give a shit about guns (hi Carly! hi Donald!) have to pretend to be red-blooded gun-fuckers.

Guys, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for two countries. Theirs can be maybe in Texas, have no health care, total prohibition of abortion AND birth control AND sex ed, everyone can carry assault rifles all the time and shoot each other to their hearts’ delight, no environmental regulations, mandatory church

If praying makes you feel better, good - keep doing it! But you’re not actually helping. God isn’t sitting on a cloud in heaven thinking “Gosh, if I could just get three more likes on Facebook, I could actually do something about all this killing!” There’s no Prayer Meter that you have to fill before Jesus comes down

Sex workers deserve the same respect and safety from harm and abuse as any other human being does.

Creating dialogue that leads to mass shootings at Planned Parenthood clinics then refusing to take the blame/even really acknowledge the situation for what it is?

Picking up some carry-out and not getting anything for me is a shitty boyfriend. Near-drowning me is much more than that. Much more.

Is this idiot woman actually good at anything?

Slut shaming, how terribly refreshing and original!

Carly Fiorina is, how can I say this nicely, a complete an utter idiot. But not just any kind of idiot, a willful idiot. An idiot on purpose. She uses the anecdote of her friend’s husband being on the terror watch list, according to her accidentally, for years. Yet in the same interview she talks about the FBI’s being

i have to ask the question: why do we generally assume that people who commit murders like this are mentally ill? isn’t it possible that he/they were so angry with his coworkers or someone in management that he decided to exact revenge? i don’t think you have to be mentally ill to make the decision to kill someone. i

where ¯\_(ツ)_/¯= crazy

Handy Pocket Guide to Mass-Shooting Reactions in America:

“Like millions of Americans, she came through that struggle with prayer, Christian counseling, and the love and support of her husband and family.”

She’s probably rotting in a rocking chair up in the attic.

Is he capable of speaking without it sounding like he’s acting? I’ve seen more convincingly natural performances in high school theater. I know that all candidates are putting on a show to a degree, but his constantly cloying delivery is really troubling. I genuinely suspect that he’s a psychopath, in the technical

As an American, the answer is always both.