I have Pop Pop in the attic

I worked with disabled people for over a decade. In some circumstances, when two people, both with some manner of disability, are in a relationship the court decides if those two people are able to consent to sexual relations and I have literally seen it included in care plans , eg-clients may hold hands and kiss but

I couldn’t agree with you more. As a parent of a (very high functioning) autistic teenager, and as someone who spent over a decade working with the disabled (some extremely low functioning) in various roles, including as a nurse, I couldn’t imagine how she really thought this could turn out well. But then again she

I am a bit younger than 45 but I already had two boys (now 14 & 7) when at 16/17 weeks I found out I was pregnant. I found out because I went to the OBGYN for a yeast infection on Tuesday and was told I was pregnant and the next day I found out I was having a little girl (sonogram for dating). I had no idea I blamed

Have you EVER been on a horse?

They can’t be that stupid, I have to believe-for my own sanity- that this is a joke. If not I’m adding another reason why I am disappointed in humanity... SMH is right girlie...tho I’m Smh at you!(obviously not you, but the girl in the tweet!)

Seriously? My NYS drivers license has my address on it and yes you do have to inform them of a move/New address and write it on the back of your license or you can be ticketed if you’re pulled over, etc. You don’t HAVE to get a new license every time you move but you do have to let them know where you live, how else

Mmmm, tzatziki! I love me some of that! My MIL makes really great-well everything- shish kakobs with pita and tzatziki. It’s my favorite of her many yummy meals she makes. I always ask her to make it when I get dinner choice (or chicken masala-lobe that too!) A couple of things my husband has been able to replicate

Smart thing happened to my ex. He was the only one (of about6 boys-elementary school aged) who would testify against the teacher that molested them all, and he finally dropped out of high school in 10the grade because he had been harrassed by the community, other teachers, etc -for ruining a good man’s life. It’s

My first 2 pregnancies I stayed away from the deli meats though I couldn’t help but eat nearly raw steaks. But this time around I craved roast beef and Swiss sandwiches so I ate them and my doc don’t worry about it. But I can’t imagine giving an attitude to someone else based on their food and health choices

YESSS! My last ( 3rd) pregnancy I thought I was going to die from heat stroke. This was the first time I wasn’t pregnant during the winter (just for a short time before I found out, then it got warm). I am also usually freezing cold starting at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and I live in NY, so I’m not used to super warm

Right?!?! Just because I can do it super quickly doesn’t mean I want to (I’m the giver, not receiver-my comment could go either way). What’s the fun in making him come in a minute and a half? Though on occasion having him try to resist (finishing) while I try my damnedest can be just as fun-sometimes :)

My husband does the same thing, ha!

I know, right?!?! And in his case he wasn’t free of a criminal record. But he was a “nice” military boy that had a sheriff for a daddy. Apparently with those circumstances you can basically get off with a slap on the hand. I think he was also one of those “your wife is your property”type people/judges, so really he

Is it truly consensual, or is it more that they prefer to keep the violence to a minimum, especially in the case of someone who has been raped before? As someone who has been raped by two different peopel, multiple years apart and in completely different circumstances, I can see wanting to minimize the violence

Where does that statistic come from? I ask because of the fact that many people do not report their rapes and men that are raped tend not to report it also. So I’m going to assume that is also true for the reporting trends for those that are raped while incarcerated.

I’ve told this story here before, but something extremely similar happened to me. It was my ex husband father that was a cop, I was living in a small town and his father knew the judge. He had gotten a great deal for the rape, strangulation assault, dwi, and criminal mischief (among other things, and nice that it’s

He spews so much bullshit, I don’t think he could accurately remember if he’s said something or not (about everything!). He just can’t control himself and the things coming out of his mouth. His policy is-‘Merica, immigration, wall, I’m great, polls numbers, ‘Merica’s great, Mexico, bringing back the jobs, beautiful

There’s always one in every office! But even if he has never had an on the books job, I can’t imagine not understanding the concept of income tax, most people who work/have worked in their lives know and probably bitch about it. What did he think people were complaining about when they bitch about taxes? Good luck in

It’s even WAY inappropriate for a 4 year old to do that (at least without any consequences). I have 3 kids (14,7,1) if any of them had done (or will in the case of the youngest) there would have been he’ll to pay, both at the restaurant-that would have been the end of the meal right there-and at home-they wouldn’t be

Smart. I moved 1 1/2 years ago from a house (the heating&electric costs were higher than my rent in the winter which is the only reason I moved) literally across the street (street=6 lane highway with crosswalks).