I have Pop Pop in the attic

Good for you! What an asshole. I can’t stand shit like that (when I see it go down, like in front of men in line) Douchecanoes!

Where I live it normally $50 limit. But I’ve paid with $100’s at places like that as long as I wasn’t getting change from that hundred. Eg. Bill is $112.63; give $100 & $20 bill get $7.37 in change back. But why pay for something that is $1.50 with a $100 bill, most of the time it’s not something that important, it’s

When we pay with a hundred,( myself my husband and 7 & 1 year old), as long as the tip is at least 20% we normally don’t ask for change, give the whole thing as a tip, figuring it makes it easier on the server to not have to bring us what will amount to 5-10$ at most (for us to keep as change after tipping) Most of

At least the server had a good night, even if you didn't!

Anytime I have ever paid with a $100, they’ll always use the little marker thingy to verify that it’s real.

Cheap assholes gonna cheap, no matter what. They’ll just find a way to get free shit or whatever, but at least this way the server isn’t the one suffering...

20 or so years ago when I was in high school on Friday and Saturday nights our extended group of friends (different groups most nights) would go to the mall and do teenage stuff like shopping, movies, eating out. I always took care of the bill (doing the math for tip etc, no calculators easily accessible like now on


I totally get it, and agree.

Has he never had a job before, like EVER??

My husband is always telling me that I don’t look at prices enough while shopping (comparison shopping). We had this longndrawn out fight about dish detergent. He would always buy Joy (or something other equally shitty brand/non-brand) because it was cheaper than Dawn. I would get yelled at for using too much soap or

OMG, that would have made me go bonkers! Good on you for not raising your blood pressure by talking about it!

I have a couple of books on the back of the bathroom door. Works pretty well. I also just spread my towel out on the rack by itself without folding it over on itself (until it’s dry). But having two kids, myself and my husband towels get changed very quickly in my house because everyone is incapable of drying the

I wasn’t aware of that fact until I was like 17 and my boyfriend’s(at the time) mom left her’s out. I thought she just forgot to put it away so I stuck it in the fridge and I caught shit about it (not really). I felt really stupid because my family always put it in the fridge. Oh well. Live and learn!

Healthcare as well! Before I became a nurse I worked for an agency that provided services primarily to physically/mentally disabled children and adults. I was the clinical manager for one of the satellite clinics. One day I was back at the pain office building and happened to be answering phone at the reception desk

Good thing he had been using Purell as much as he was, because he would probably drop dead from that damn sponge! ;)

I think we have the same grandfather...if not, I’m sorry that someone else has had to endure the “stretching of legs”!

Right?!?! This is exactly how it was for me growing up. I could never imagine having the pure narcissism and entitlement required to think it was a-okay to leave my little kid(or any of my kids) like that so I could, I don’t know, shrug my responsibility as a fucking parent! My oldest is 14 and in high school

For whatever reason I’m having difficulty cutting and pasting this link on my phone but this has some info about the legality of leaving kids alone (home or otherwise) some states have specific age requirements for legally leaving children alone, some it comes down to a host of issues including maturity, etc. I also

The Shining was a terrifying movie. Then I tried the book.and I was like Joey Tribbiani, hiding the book in the freezer when it got too scary! :)