Two Drink Minimum

You’re rolling.

Oh my god. All the stars.

Don’t feel bad. Deer are the absolute worst and need to be culled. They strip trees of bark in the winter, destroy gardens in the summer, and terrorize the roads with their idiot behavior. They are rats with hooves.

Reggie Bush house > exchanging merchandise for tattoos > criminal mishandling rape cases > decades of molesting children

Seconded. What the hell is up with that?

For decades, fiction and screen writers have been using Cubs fandom as shorthand for hard-luck moxie, or endearing lost causes, or scrappy optimism, or hopeless romanticism, or childlike innocence.

GOP. The Party of Expediency.


Too easy, and too subtle: “Kluber Drives Indians to Game 1 Victory”

John Podesta’s risotto recipe

I will always star this gif. Amazing performance fan art.

Does come from Aleppo? It comes from Aleppo, doesn’t it?

Oh, there are. I’ve stopped watching for two reasons.

Yep. Note to self: Do NOT get into a Twitter slap fight with Anthony Davis.

Yep, not a gym rat to be found in the entire bunch.

What kind of nuclear waste is at the site, I wonder? By 2100, the stuff there will have been sitting for nearly 150 years. The half life for two of the most problematic fission waste elements (cesium-137 and Strontium-90) is about 30 years, or five half-life cycles. The radioactive threat from those waste types would

Worst death, ever.


That was some Andy Reid-level achievement there. And when Shaw opted to punt on 4th-and-two-feet, I figured that was it, Stanford was cooked (verily, the football gods chortled).