This raises a question I had. Was the 1986 USSR that threadbare? everything here is old and decrepit, like they hadn’t painted since Stalin croaked.
Hey, I like my 500 Abarth.
Insane. Even a limited nuclear exchange—say in the 20s to low 100s of warheads—would produce calamitous cooling, crop losses and starvation. And there isn’t a scenario where Russia walks away from an exchange with US/NATO without getting devastated.
Dunn has been amazing all tournament.
This is so on the nose, it’s scary.
I was born to rub you... but you were born to rub me first.
I should have added an /s to that. I was being sarcastic about Khomyuk’s blueprints. She was absolutely swooping in to save the day.
It’s different if this is a game 2 or 3 and you have a better sense of what you need to come in first. But in game 1, you have no way of knowing that.
How is 7 goals enough? Thailand is *terrible*. Sweden may score 7 or more on that outfit. And just like that, you’re at risk of a second place finish based on goal differential. I’m sorry, the way match play works, you have to score goals if they can be had. (What you don’t have to do, is whatever the hell it was Rapin…
Actually, Valery knew and anticipated that covering the core would raise temps and speed melt through the floor and ultimately the concrete pad. But he thought the concrete gave him time to work with before the core could reach groundwater.
The Blues just flat out quit late in that game. I really figured they would battle to the bitter end, but like you said, the turnovers kept happening. And then they started thugging it up.
Unhinged as this sounds, and it sounds very unhinged, there’s actually prior art to consider. In 1982, the Soviet’s suffered a MASSIVE pipeline explosion in Siberia that was so large that the US military briefly worried it might have been a small nuclear detonation. It was revealed in 2004 that the explosion was…
Yep, she was turrible in Captain Marvel.
Now a truly bad actor which nobody seems to recognize because he has some hipster cred I can’t understand is Sam Rockwell
I despise Tom Cruise, but... Tropic Thunder!
Scherbina and Legasov both spent most of the series in varying stages of grief over the fact that they knew they were dead men, but Khomyuk never seemed to acknowledge the fact that she was likely just as doomed as they were.