I don't think this one is as scary as you think. A less kind driver would have simply accelerated a bit and then stood on the brakes. Basically, that attack would be over the instant the driver decided she wanted it to be.
I don't think this one is as scary as you think. A less kind driver would have simply accelerated a bit and then stood on the brakes. Basically, that attack would be over the instant the driver decided she wanted it to be.
You are going to be fine. Enjoy the flight!
Actually, the odds of experiencing another crash are going down, not up. I mean, how many times in a row can you roll snake-eyes?
Nope, anytime a large airliner like this goes down, it is news. We are seeing a truly remarkable number of fatal incidents and crashes in a rather short period of time. We came off a record period of flight safety the past few years, and now it seems the pendulum has swung the other way, hard.
I dunno about that. Our old Odyssey minivan had pull-out cupholder trays that were set pretty high. And the '09-'14 Honda Fits have high cupholders near dash level, just below the outside air vents. Would have worked nicely there.
I dunno about that. Our old Odyssey minivan had pull-out cupholder trays that were set pretty high. And the '09-'14…
Nope, it would cost a freaking mint, especially if you are talking about radar and IR missile defense. That's two totally different systems, both of which must be maintained for the life of the airframe, not to mention the cost and effort in training both pilots and support crews.
Yep, and the proposed flare/chaff system would have done nothing to prevent the SA-11 missile from taking down MH17. Defeating radar missile lock is hard. You need a combination of chaff, electronic counter measures, and extreme maneuvers designed to foil Doppler radar tracking. If MH17 had released chaff in response…
Alas, no. I wasn't aware of his work until just now. I'm getting acquainted with him now though. If you have any albums/tracks to recommend, I'd love to hear about them.
Favorite album of all time.
The Sunday Ticket deal motivated me to get Madden for the kids for Christmas. Everybody wins.
DirectTV needs to hire you.
Those aren't tears. That's oil.
For me it is all about driving education and personal discipline, because putting the same moronic teens in a SUV don't solve the problem, but rather make it worse, when that inexperienced, young, arrongand youth crashes into somebody with its 3 ton vehicle.
Amen. The Mazda6 and Mazda3 are both gorgeous cars, and it looks like they did a great job translating the Hazumi design to the 2. I own the 6 and am really impressed with how well sorted it is.
Absolutely this. A busy boat ramp is one of the great bargains in comedy.
I have a hard time assigning equal blame to driver and pedestrian here. The Lambo was completely hemmed in by the photographers on the left side of the road, and no doubt the driver's attention was focused on that group. His only potential option when that lady ran out into the course was to stand on the brakes, which…
I drive I-90 (NY Thruway) pretty frequently. It's 65 MPH throughout. Lot of cops, but they generally ignore you if you are doing under 75.
Weirdest advertising? Fiat says hai.
God, look at that map. When I drive home to visit my parents, I have to travel through the top 3 states for driving citations: New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. It's like a freaking gauntlet. Of the three, Ohio is definitely the worst. Unbelievable number of cops on the highways there.