Two Drink Minimum

Suarez's infraction seems pretty innocuous in the grand scheme of professional sports.

The island nation of Uruguay seems pretty cool, what with all the legalized weed and biting and such.

Am I the only one who thinks the driver looks like Nick Kroll?

And the fact that everyone else just sort of filmed.

Yep. Particularly when you consider that Marquez had three other defenders in the vicinity to clean up Robben's long touch and that Robben was now moving with his back to goal. The guy was no longer a threat once he cut off the baseline, yet Marquez blundered in with a stupid and late challenge.

Absolutely correct. Marquez is way late, and steps right on Robben's toes. That's a textbook foul, every time. Robben just makes sure the foul is seen.

Fux given. Zero.

I can't speak to the Toronto case, or to Canadian jurisprudence in general. But if those street racers killed someone, they should be jailed for years. Just like Emma Czorbojan should be jailed for years.

Don't panic. It's still available with manual, they just added an auto version.

Nightmare fuel.

Don't lecture so hard. That's just the Cold War talking. The fact is, Yugoslavia was not integrated with Western Europe for 40 years following World War II, and then was embroiled in vicious conflict after that.

Yeah, this is definitely a case where there are lessons to be taken away. The obvious lessons (like, don't be the murderous asshat who parks her car in the passing lane of a freeway to go chase ducks) are obvious. But the motorcyclist's reaction to the woman on the road was probably the thing that did him in. If he

Of course the court is trying to make an example of her. She killed two people by doing something so incomprehensibly stupid and dangerous that it boggles the mind. Whether or not the guy was speeding, her actions were criminally negligent and she deserves punishment.

THANK YOU, Max, for succinctly laying out the facts in the case. What this woman did was absolutely criminal and she needs to go to jail for snuffing out two lives with her stupidity, arrogance and selfishness.

Clear weather, but it was near sunset on a west-bound highway, so glare was a factor. The motorcycle did not just plow into the car. Rather, there was a car-and-trailer in front of the motorcycle that was obscuring the downfield view. That car swerved to avoid the parked car at the last moment. Based on the witness

This is completely on Bradley. He lost that ball so fast it was criminal. The defense had no chance to get into shape. And Bradley himself made no effort to pressure the initial possession, allowing a clean pass to Renaldo.

Most definitely. In the US, that guy would have earned himself a vigorous wood shampoo and an overnight stay in jail. He'd also be enjoying a raft of charges, including obstruction of justice, resisting arrest, and felony assault of a police officer.

The clown face is strong in this one.

Here's an article on Calvin and Hobbes' lessons for software developers: MSDN Magazine