
I’d rock it

I was thinking Ecosport ST and apparently I’m the only one possibly excited for it.

good choice in set up with the rear view mirror replacement! I’ve recently added one to my car and it came with the multi benefit of having a dash cam built in too! Records front and rear plus the back up camera. Fantastic upgrade for any car with a “dumb” rear view mirror.

I think you’ve nailed it

*posts picture of Abarth*
“If you’ve ever been annoyed by...large turning radiuses ...why not buy a smaller car?” 
The abarth is more on the large turning radius side of this argument.

I saw something like this happen once when I used to work in a tourist town. Also an expedition, but much smaller dog. The dog landed on all fours and skidded across the pavement for a bit. I imagine it’s little paws were demolished, but no limp like this guy

I feel so hip. I posted something about this months ago elsewhere

they’re giving them away new, does that mean they’re paying you to take the used ones? I bet she could buy two or three on the used market or get the 500L AND an abarth

I’m sure they made it better, but the thought of how awful the 3.0 I had in my older a6 gives me nightmares

I’m intrigued, but idk what it is

I was just browsing the local CL for good versions of # 5

slow down now, we don’t want to stir up the feminism too much too early. We agree with you

maybe it should be remade in tx? I’d support it

As a Nashville resident I appreciate you bringing this to the public. I did not know

found a new background in that second pic. Love it!!

shocked huh? Well said sir

Want it. Need it. I’d have it on the dash of my abarth at all times

we had a 76 eldorado ‘vert. I loved that boat

good job, this would have been the worst mistake

Uber is partnering with Volvo to roll out these self-driving cars.

*picture of Ford Fusion*