Oh god, I hope you don't know my ex-husband! lol. He went to UGA. Well, and cream does rise to the top and break all the rules. I just hate seeing a-holes get stuff. Even coupons. No dollar-off coupons for a-holes!
Oh god, I hope you don't know my ex-husband! lol. He went to UGA. Well, and cream does rise to the top and break all the rules. I just hate seeing a-holes get stuff. Even coupons. No dollar-off coupons for a-holes!
Thanks for the inside information. It's good to know that my truthiness scale wasn't off on this one. (I had no clue, really, but it's so common. Sad.)
Seriously? That's fire-able shit. I always figured I'd be caught and tortured and then fired for doing anything, even smoking pot or getting a speeding ticket! Maybe that's why I never got promoted to the lofty Gray Lady. Of course, I have none of the preferred pedigree — male, or if you're female then you should be…
Could not agree MORE. I was a journalist for 30 years and never met a NYT reporter who wasn't a complete asshole. Every single one. The place breeds arrogance. (And don't smirk, Washington Post, or I may start on you next...)
Forget the few token females they've put in positions of power over the last few. The New York Times is ONE GIANT PATRIARCHY! Read its history! Look at the staff female to male ratios! Note how only men have been allowed to run the place for hundreds of years! The place is a hotbed of Institutional Cluelessness, and…
She sounds fabulous, so I'm sorry to sound crankish, but is there a reason you wrote this? Like, some actual news occurred? Because the story doesn't say that, so I guess it was Pull An Interesting Woman Out of Our...er...Hats Day?
HAW! snort. +100
I'm no Muppet Expert, but I have enjoyed and watched the Muppets for years. And I can't ever recall hearing of Jane Henson. Jim Henson? A billion times. Jane Henson? Nope, not one recollection of ever hearing her name. Was she a major collaborator? Oh, I bet your sweet bippies she was. Too bad she had to DIE to…
Oops, you're right. Although frankly, I wouldn't want my byline on there anymore. It's one thing for editors to allow a crappy lede into the paper, but it's even worse to have the editors then backtrack and rewrite you. Perhaps you should have been on your editing game to begin with, editors. But guess who's…
Is that dam show still on?
That is a significant rewrite. What I'm also wondering is, isn't that a different byline?
"What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat," says the skinny girl with a million-dollar modeling contract.
I love Pandora. Rememer, though, she married Jason Sabo. She now refers to herself as Pandora J. Sabo. http://www.thedivineaddiction.com/meet-the-team/
What ReallyCleverUsername said.
How could you say that? That's so meeeeean! Oh my gosh!
A million pink bumps.
She's the most fabulous person ever to appear on reality television. She's smart, funny, self-deprecating, stylish, rich as the Vatican, gracious, generous (sometimes to a fault), beautiful, and just all-around successful at life. Go get to know her. You'll be enriched.
I forgot to agree with you on the breastfeeding. It made me ravenous! And since my daily routine consisted of sitting in a lounger operating the TV remote with one hand, it wasn't exactly an effective weight loss scenario. But then I was just enjoying the warmth of the baby's skin against mine, getting to know her,…
I don't think your question was met with the spirit of sarcasm I read into it. I thought the same thing — two MAJOR Lululemon blogs? I guess the world of fashion blogs is its own universe, much like fashion itself.
Have you read Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott? I give it to every new mom — it's awesome! In one part Lamott is bemoaning how since giving birth to her son she has that hanging skinpouch we all hate. She made me love it forever with this line: