This is an old argument, but I will say it once more: A professional journalist has to attempt to contact the subject of a story they write. To not do so would be irresponsible.
This is an old argument, but I will say it once more: A professional journalist has to attempt to contact the subject of a story they write. To not do so would be irresponsible.
This wasn't some random loud obnoxious party she was sneaking away from her. This was HER party for HER album and she should be celebrating, and anyone who cares about her, really cares, should be celebrating that with her, not luring her away for some rendevous which could be held any other fricking night of the…
Miley, girl, run away from this guy. Evidence to convict, in bold.
Is this an SNL skit? No, seriously. Is this shit for real? Cuz to me it's less of a SQUEE and more of a SNORT. Try not to give them all your money, when 1.6 million children a year are homeless.
I did sexy Skyping with a guy I thought was The One. But he wasn't. And when we broke up he informed me that he'd been sharing intimate photos online. That I was part of some board now in "catalogs." All of this was news to me, the thought that someone you love could be pressing SCREEN PRINT surreptitiously while…
Last year I had to take an ambulance ride and got charged $1,000. That was JUST for the ambulance to transport me to the hospital.
Hoo boy? The '50s called, they'd like their curse word back.
When I started reading I was all set to tell you "That kind of work takes a physical and mental toll so eat your Wheeties and make sure you have somebody at home who loves the crap out of you!" But then I saw you got out. Good. I mean, you did your time, and my hat is off to you and to everyone else who can do it, but…
Assume no one gives a shit about your wedding.
Is Tara over? I had to stop watching. Despite loving the premise, characters and even the writing, there was a hyper manicness to the performances which made them all kinda, well, crazy. Which I guess was the point, that we're all "crazy"? But it notched it to the level of farce for me and made it unwatchable. Now…
NO. Seriously? That cheesy name is so Law & Order season 14 episode 389.
NO. Seriously? That cheesy name is so Law & Order season 14 episode 389.
Totes. I was pondering what America would be like if Colbert and Stewart hadn't shown up. It would be intolerable. As my mom used to say, God love 'em.
And why the hell didn't Rockstar include one female character? It's not so hard. You did it. You came up with an entire script for someone they made a bit player. On purpose.
That's fine. You can live life on many levels. Some people right now are just fighting to stay alive and don't even have time to play video games. So there are all sorts of perspectives from which to look through. Being a feminist and then taking a serious look at video games is just one way of being, not the ultimate…
lol. I just got notified of your response. Kinja quirk. Too bad sexism still rules in video games, all this year later.
I'm unclear; which ish is it that we should ignore? Being viewed as a vagina support system? Having every female character with boobs so large it defies reality that she doesn't just topple over? Or just all the casual sexism that assumes men rule the world and women are here to look sexy. No matter what she's doing,…