

Mondo Rules!

I hope the people that watch these videos have actually played the games first because holy spoilers Batman! Overall, this was much more positive than I expected.

Hot take!

And the award for worst song of 2014 goes to...

As soon as they announced that machine I felt an immediate regret for not buying tickets. I've been wanting to go but all my friends bailed :/

I can't do the let's play thing nor do I understand the appeal. Its usually some annoying douchebro who's got to make up his lack of personality with 'wacky' sound effects. Much rather play the game myself.

I have a MIGHTY need!

Play now, M'Lord.

Nice to see you too.

Yep, I've seen plenty of hacks mention winter in some fashion. At this point anyone would see it coming.

I remember downloading this song off kaZaa. Good times.

This deserves more stars!

Its good to know there's people near me that feel my pain.

I'm in Turlock. Considering there's a church on every corner I'm sure its been like this since its inception

I'll reply to you because it looked like a lot of effort to type that up. I'll sum it up succinctly: I just dont want to deal with it.

Is that the standard look in San Diego?

Northern California. Central valley. Nothing but farmers daughters in camo.