
I hope xbone users actually pick this up. Bright colors and wacky aesthetics aren't exactly Microsoft's repertoire.

The best part of optional features is that they're optional.

I can't say no to a good mash up.

Its been 22 long hard years and still strugglin...

The numbers don't lie :/

Thanks for nothing, Raiders!

I suppose this advice would also fare well for those of us on the opposite end of the spectrum? Weighing around 100lbs in your mid 20s isn't exactly a confidence booster :/

The Vault in our Stars.

Was expecting Atheon's Epilogue to be last. Just for the lulz.

They'll definitely use it. Deadspin needs to trademark it ASAP!


Is that why Barkspawn and Fist play alone all the time? They need you Doc! Complete the tripod!

They really have it down to a science on keeping players hooked. I'm already anticipating getting my ass kicked in Iron Banner this week.

Kids these days have no idea what Pharrell was up to at the turn of the century. This was THE jam.

The Vizio 42" 5.1 Home Theater Sound Bar with Subwoofer and Satellite Speakers was recommended to me by Shane last year. It might not be the highest end product but at the price point I don't see why you'd choose anything else.
You can find it here

The Vizio 42" 5.1 Home Theater Sound Bar with Subwoofer and Satellite Speakers was recommended to me by Shane last

I'm sure they've got COD Advanced Warfare marked on their calendars.

I was able to get some sweet gear and free shit when E3 would come around. If only the shirts my avatar has were real...

I may not be the best at pvp but its gotten me a majority of my legendary items.

Maybe this will get people to actually play the game instead of farming.