Wait a minute... Stage Kit support? SOLD!
Wait a minute... Stage Kit support? SOLD!
I think people put too much emphasis on all the awards and accolades. Everything has to be 10/10 GOTY material and that's just not the case. I wasn't playing this game for the story and that's only been a real focus for major releases in the last few years.
Destiny is easily the most divisive game this year.
Tell us how you really feel.
I did nazi that coming!
They only grow stronger if we give them our attention!
I'd like to hear about your experience.
You really want Diablo. You don't want Watchdogs.
As long as the strat is my avatar RockBand will never die!
No legendary items for me yet. Ive tried farming but i must be doing something wrong cause the enemies dont seem to spawn where they're supposed to.
These ads they're gonna work whether you like it or not. KidsTheseDays like minimal black and white with some retro soundtrack they've never heard of.
Thank you in advance for a comprehensive review based on what the game provides rather than an emotional response on what you wanted out of it.
I'm just glad this game is finally coming out.
If you're on PS4 I'll gladly join your fireteam.
I hope this doesn't mean MGS4 goes to Xbox...
Denton would be Master Hand.
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart!