
I have an idea who's behind this...


InB4 Faked

Unfortunately it won't matter how many times you apologize or explain how things work with your writers and their ethics because the collectors edition tin foil hats sponsored by mountain dew and doritos are on so tight they're near impossible to remove.

I'd watch it but I know they'll absolutely ruin the source material. I can only hope it becomes a very expensive art house film with no dialogue and great special effects.

I have friends that don't like this movie :(

The Conversation is one of the best movies available on Netflix Instant. Check it out!

Seal of approval.

It might not be a top 5 reason but if a game has a reasonable price point and a full set of trophies people will reconsider the purchase.

Trophies matter. This is something reviewers don't take notice but consumers do.

For a $15 game that doesn't run long and even has a platinum I thought it was worth it.

I'm gonna 'hack' sony for fun and then call a bomb threat to a major airline!

Can you link that 3 minute solution?

I live in Kaepernick's hometown in the middle of nowhere California. People jumped on the bandwagon so fast you could hear them taking off their Raider jerseys. I can't wait to see how many felonies are committed when these teams play each other in the regular season.

Well then...

I see. Makes sense why I've seen so many vague posts from angry games journalists these last few days.

When did these allegations start and who's making them?

"This racism is killing me inside!"