
Thanks, appreciated.

Jovan Belcher and Adam Lanza were not militias, that's obvious. They also are not representative of the thousands upon thousands of gun-owners in this country who would never even begin to fathom doing something like this.

This just shows how right Chris Rock was when he said black people are more racist than white people.

Yeah, those are excuses. It's a hassle to go get my car and/or I don't want anyone to know I was trashed so instead I'll just get behind the wheel and possible kill someone. Great logic.

These are excuses. You mean to tell me a player making even the league minimum can't afford a half hour cab ride back to his car?

Excuse me sir, a government agency like the FCC has no interest in this thing you call logic.

Usually when I'm getting the shit kicked out of me on national TV I flip off the guy trying to knock me out.

Wait, you mean a coddled, young, professional athlete is a dick? This has to be a first!! Next thing you know we're going to see a story about Bryce Harper being a douchebag.

No, Costas and Whitlock are not absolutely correct. He could've killed her and himself without the use of a gun. Ever heard of Chris Benoit or OJ Simpson?

As a Cowboys fan, and yes I know I suck, I'd rather have Andy Reid than Lane Kiffin.

Glad to see the courts did their job, too bad this will follow him and his family for years to come.

TL;DR Fuck the Yankees


Yeah, freedom of speech is stupid. If you don't agree with me, then I'm not going to talk to you. Your voice means nothing, only me and my opinions are correct. What an arrogant prick.

I would think Prince Fielder's wife would be a Detroit fan. But whatever man, you must know more than I do.

She seems like a pleasant woman. Hopefully her daughter grows up and has a similar demeanor.

Dictator Bettman makes the NBA and NFL look like country clubs compared to the NHL.

There was clearly a missed holding call. Damn I hate these replacement refs.

Shocked that Bill Simmons, MLB FanCave, and the Grantland account didn't make the list.

I bet it has something to do with going home and fucking the prom queen.