Dr. J

No human could stack books like this.

King of Comedy or go fuck yourself.

First they came for the clowns and I said good, I hate stupid clowns.

My name is Stu, employee number 22184 and I wanna bang the HR lady.

I just hope their shift manager will give them the night off.  The frylator will not clean itself Daddy Mac.

The best 10 to 1 skit is "Coffee Switch" or "Swedish Coffee" with Chris Farley. 

Will Forte might be the best member of SNL if you had never seen an episode before 2010.

As a person who has met plenty of people from West Virginia I'm not surprised the cast of Buckwild is stupid and boring.  

I'm in the White House right now, reading this caused me to shart my pants.

Tight butthole

You are missing everything if you are missing American Horror Story.  Singing, dancing, incest, lactating, killer santas, priest rape, alien babes, interracial sex, pinheads, nazis, bread, nun porn, and Anne Frank.

As in "E"eeeeeeep Alien Penis? 

Thank God, I had so many unanswered questions about Hot Tub Time Machine!

Urine soakings are the latest rage in Williamsburg.  Great for the pores.  I use 100% grassfed free range local homeless people urine. 

I've read many pro ass shaking editorials from Mr. Campbell over the years.  I always thought his arguments were presented well and backed up by facts.

I always thought it was more of a Ben Vereen quality.

This bald chick - what's with her head? Let's start with the chick.
What gives, cue ball? I'm looking at you, I'm thinking: fourteen in the
side pocket!

Another movie I will have to wait to see on the airplane.  I like when I do that because they take out all the swears and then everybody can have fun. 

Jackee and John Witherspoon?  I'd watch.

Jackee and John Witherspoon?  I'd watch.