Dr. J

I watched Parks & Rec for the first time last night and was beyond unimpressed.  I felt all the storylines were pretty weak and boring but the garbage one was the worst.  I'll maybe check out earlier episodes if this is a big time step down cause I didn't laugh once.  Only Rob Lowe getting called a beautiful man made

I watched Parks and Rec last night for the first time.  I was disappointed and a big part of it was the Leslie plot. I think I'm going to stick with Archer.

Pussy Riot once again proves punk rock is the coolest rock.


None of you Obama haters wants to touch my original point that Lupe is the biggest phony in the world.  I would never say Obama is perfect and I read lots of people that have nasty things to say about Obama.  It's how I know he's still a basically a good person.  If Lupe cares so much about politics why is he helping

Johnny Carson fan isn't as funny or as smart as the Conan O'Brien fan guess that kinda ends the debate in my favor huh?

Sorry I take this so seriously.  Usually I like to joke and play but I'm sick of all the crap Obama gets. Today is his day.  Can't we just celebrate him some?  Part of the job but damm can't people give the man a break.  He got Bin Laden, passed universal healthcare, and saved the economy with no help from the

I bet Ray Lewis stabs you.

They run on maple syrup.  I learned that in science.

*adjusts top hat*  I agree humor these days is so transgressive and vulg- *FARRTTTTTTT* oh my!  *monocle falls out*  I seem to have stepped on a duck. 

History tells us Hitler died on that fateful day in Berlin but my new rap song presupposes he didn't and became Obama.

Lupe's rap lyrics suck.  They aren't witty, deep, or funny.

Lupe is on Atlantic Records which is owned by Warner Music Group which is owned by Access Industries.   From Wikipedia: "Access’s industrial focus spans three sectors: natural resource and chemicals; media and telecommunications; and real estate."   I guess its pretty hard for me personally to take a phony who works

He also has a great ass in Animal House.

That was the episode of The Lawrence Welk Show where that hippie broad slipped him LSD.

That's how it always goes.  Social Security and Medicare have been changed and improved over time.  Once you get your foot in the door its easier and easier to push for the perfect policy.  If private health insurance companies can't get costs low enough or coverage good enough the next step will be Medicare

The saddest thing to think about is that I would vote for Richard Nixon before any modern Republican.

I believe you said that guy who was replaced by Jay Leno is funnier than "anyone" on TV today.   Johnny is fine but he isn't as funny as Letterman, Conan, John Stewart, or Steven Colbert and those are just the late night comedians.

"eek a penis" is pretty much transgender bashing for 22 minutes.  Finally some rich white guys who weren't afraid to pick on transgender people.  Transgendered people have it so easy in society. It's funny how Matt and Trey point out they are freaks that aren't really women. How deep and insightful. Worth noting I

I like how they go after gays and transgendered people all the time.  If there is one group of people who deserve to be picked on even more its gays and transgendered people.  Like in "eeek a penis" when they spend an entire episode making sure transgendered people know they are nothing but freaks that was so cool.