I dressed like Dwayne Wayne for years until I was the victim of three hate crimes on the same day.
I dressed like Dwayne Wayne for years until I was the victim of three hate crimes on the same day.
I think one sign of increased racial harmony is that NBC made the Presidential family on 1600 Penn white. Sure they could have been totally racist and made that annoying and unfunny family black but they didn't which I think is pretty nice.
I think one sign of increased racial harmony is that NBC made the Presidential family on 1600 Penn white. Sure they could have been totally racist and made that annoying and unfunny family black but they didn't which I think is pretty nice.
This is why NBC should make my show "Black Seinfeld."
How awesome is that joke. Everyone is so fucking awesome reading those lines.
How awesome is that joke. Everyone is so fucking awesome reading those lines.
Sidney Poitier was the original choice for Tracy Jordan you know.
Puts Terry1 on the bad list.
Dammit Groggins felt right.
Groggins should get an Oscar for the last season of The Shield. That's how damm good Groggins is.
Is that your dick Hansel?
Is fucking Tarantino ever going to win Best Picture or Best Director?
Why didn't Killer Joe get a nomination? I thought it was a feel good romp that uplifts the soul.
I would see that in a heartbeat.
Kanye would make a great Hamlet.
I thought Drive was super overrated as well. He was a big part of the problem. I was just bored by him in the movie.
Team Discovery Channel!
Counterpoint: Face/Off, Raising Arizona, The Rock, Bad Lieutenant 2: Port of Call New Orleans, Leaving Las Vegas, and Adaptation. Not many actors can put up a resume that impressive. Just because he makes crap doesn't mean he isn't awesome quite often.
I think we should sacrifice Sandler to some dark ancient God.