Duncan Mitchel

If Greenwald is such a fan of George W. Bush, why did he attack his policies so strongly — the same ones he attacks when Obama does them?  For criticizing Bush, Greenwald was attacked by Republicans; for criticizing Obama, he's attacked by Democrats, and in pretty much the same terms.  Greenwald has always been

Erm, hasn't there always been a divide between romantic leads and "character" actors?  For longer than my lifetime, at least, and I'm 62.  Actors like Rudolf Valentino were mocked for being too pretty.  Seems like what you all are talking about has been going on for at least as long as films.

Agreed, though I've seen it several times now. The Rapture is flawed, but it's haunting and very powerful.

Intelligence is not required for a consenting adult human marriage.  I think it would be … dangerous … to make it a requirement.  I'm not sure that "consent" is actually required.  Arranged marriages, to say nothing of shotgun weddings, have been around for a long time and may still be with us.

If forcing priests to marry gay people will make Jesus come back, shouldn't all Christians support gay marriage? Even so, come Lord Jesus! 

In fact, hardly any racists are blatantly monstruous Klan caricatures.  Most of them don't think of themselves as racists, because racists are blatantly monstruous Klan caricatures: since the racists in question have never owned a slave or lynched anyone, they could not possibly racist and you are a PC purist who sees

With people like that, or people who worry about people who believe gay people are going to Hell, I just say, "Hey, no problem!  I'm going to Hell because I'm an atheist anyway."  And probably for a lot of other things besides.  But then, any Christian I know of is probably headed to Hell for something: divorce and

"born" how?  genetic?  what possible evolutionary pressures could produce, say, a chastity kink? and to support it, you'd need more than just another just-so story.

Yep, I decided to watch Hudson Hawk because Daniel Waters had a hand in the script, and Michael Lehmann directed it: that affected the mindset with which I went into it.  (Looking at that list of DeSouza's other work, I think it's safe to say he doesn't get credit for what makes HH fun.)  I wasn't expecting a normal

This makes me wonder about the whole concept of, and market for, "extreme cinema."  Isn't the point to gross out the viewer?  Or is it "This would really gross out my mom or girlfriend (or the mom or girlfriend in my head)"?  But it's not supposed to gross out the (probably male) viewer?  After all, grossing out the

No, it's not negative.  It's what America is all about.

*cough* "Warner Bros.’ three-disc special edition of The Jazz Singer (previously available on DVD … )"  *cough*

The mystery writer Lawrence Block was Wong's guide for My Blueberry Nights.  I couldn't detect his influence, though.

I guess you've never seen any of Wong's other films.  All of them are slow-paced, except maybe for Ashes of Time.

Yeah, they're pretty badly written, but you're a really bad reader.  He doesn't "just happen to show up to buy cable ties" in the hardware store where she works, any more than he just happens to show up on the other side of the continent while she's visiting her mom.  It's very typical romance fiction, strictly by the

Yeah, they're pretty badly written, but you're a really bad reader.  He doesn't "just happen to show up to buy cable ties" in the hardware store where she works, any more than he just happens to show up on the other side of the continent while she's visiting her mom.  It's very typical romance fiction, strictly by the

It doesn't follow.  Fanfic is often far more explicit than the source material.  Kirk-Spock slash fiction, for example.  I've never been able to find any, though I admit I haven't looked very hard, but in Joanna Russ's (pre-Internet) essay on it she said that the writers rated it themselves, from G to X.  I'd expect

It doesn't follow.  Fanfic is often far more explicit than the source material.  Kirk-Spock slash fiction, for example.  I've never been able to find any, though I admit I haven't looked very hard, but in Joanna Russ's (pre-Internet) essay on it she said that the writers rated it themselves, from G to X.  I'd expect

Do women have smegma?  Even for men, it's the least of your worries if you don't want body fluids on your stroke books.

Do women have smegma?  Even for men, it's the least of your worries if you don't want body fluids on your stroke books.